Siblings Struggles


Hello guys,it's the 6th day of May, and for today's prompt:

Sibling Rivalry

I believe this right here is a common occurrence in most families, as much as siblings are sweet and all, there will always be the need to compete for certain seemingly minor things.

I've seen where children compete for one parent's love and affection, some parents are fond of having a favorite among their children, that child that they shower all of their love on, that child they believe can never go wrong, and they usually do this at the expense of the other children. I witnessed this happen before my very eyes, my aunty had 3 children and she loved the second born so dearly, it was quite evident that it was him she chose amongst all of her children, he could never go wrong in her eyes, something that might happen with the others and she would shout and scream and breathe thunder, but if this her favorite son did that same thing, she would find a way to either wave it off or try to make it not much of a big deal. The other two children found solace in themselves, although they didn't hate their brother for their mother's action, but were always quick to call her out especially now that they are all grown up.

We most times think kids don't notice these little things, but they do in their own way, and then you begin to notice the other child who is being left out trying to be mischievous or act funny, but it's just their way of trying to get that love and attention they desire from you as a parent.

Age differences between siblings could also be a source of sibling rivalry. I remember when I and my siblings were much younger, the age difference between me and my immediate younger sister was 2 years, while that of the others was 3 years each, my sister always wanted to stand up to me in almost everything, I think she felt like the age difference between us wasn't so much, hence the reason why she thought she could do whatever she wanted when it came to me. I believe if it wasn't handled well by my parents, it might have turned into a full-blown rivalry, they had to make her understand that I was the older one and she didn't need to prove anything to anyone, and that helped solve the problem.


Sibling rivalry can become very heated and cause enmity between the siblings, you see some siblings who aren't on speaking terms, always competing for everything, that is the disadvantage of sibling rivalry. While some forms of sibling rivalry can be healthy, and even lead to growth, and improvement among siblings.

Some things that can help sibling rivalry so that it doesn't develop into a full-blown war amongst siblings of the same parents who are supposed to be buddies:

Effective communication
I believe every one of us seeks to be heard no matter what, we want to be able to express our feelings without being judged. Good communication helps siblings to be able to air their views, speak about their grievances, and find a way to resolve disputes with words. Parents should create an enabling environment where each child is free to speak freely and also try to understand the other person's emotions.

Encouraging Teamwork
This is a way of uniting siblings, helping them know that at the end of the day, we all need each other, so the earlier they begin to build cooperation and teamwork between their siblings, the better and easier it will be to navigate other humans.

Setting Boundaries
Siblings should be taught on time the need to set boundaries, so no one oversteps. These boundaries could involve belongings (toys or clothes etc), space, activities, etc. This would help even when they grow up and begin to relate with others.

This is my entry for the #mayinleo challenge, day 6, if you're yet to join, please think no more, hop in and experience the fun, for more information check here

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