Hello again!!

Hello again everyone! Sorry that its been a while since I last posted, I’ve just moved to secondry school and it’s been a bit difficult getting used to it. But I’m posting again now!! I realized the other day in my hobbies and interests post that I forgot to mention my biggest childhood obsession! And that was Dinosaurs. I honestly have no explanation as to how or why I forgot to include this hobby in my last post as I still quite enjoy learning and reading about them now. But I did, so I’m doing it now. Anyway, I’ve really liked dinosaurs for as long as I can remember, I have everything there is to have about them: toys, clothes, books, drawings, journals etc. the first dinosaur movie I ever watched was Jurassic World, back when I was about 5 or 6. I watched it my friend who had watched it before and therefore he wasn’t that interested and would rather play with indominous rex toy that he had brought 😅! But I did really enjoy it and not long after I watched Jurassic Park. I really enjoyed that as well, then I tried Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom and that traumatized me at the start for some reason and I haven’t watched a film similar until a few months ago when I watched jurassic Park again!

I hope you enjoyed reading a little bit more about me and I’m sorry that this isn’t my longest post I’ve done. I will be trying to post more regularly and try to make them a bit longer than this one. Here are some photos of little me posing by some lego dinosaurs!!

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