Family is the basic unit of a society and at large the nation. In family, there is love, affection, acceptance which all brings about the saying that: "There is no place like home" because the home houses a family and everyone of us comes from a family/home. In each family, there is a parent and there are children (if nuclear), also there are other family members (if extended).

Modern family settings is quite different from the olden family setting with each having its own perculiarities. Most modern family are nuclear in nature while the olden family are extended in nature. Each of this has its own benefits and disadvantages, for example, in olden family setting, children knows more of their extended families like uncles, aunties, niece, nephews etc but in th modern family setting, this is really not so.


The modern family setting of only parent and children has the advantage of privacy as there is less undue family interference which in some families has led to unwanted discord. Also, the modern family affords the opportunity for adequate provisions needed for the family in terms of basic necessities like food, clothing, shelter to met the current realities. Another advantage of modern family setting is adequate nurturing/grooming of the children by the parents as this might not really be so in extended family setting where everyone is the nurturer.

The major disadvantage of modern family setting is break in family bond or ties especially to the other family members. This is so because children might not know or recognize their extended family members as they ought to because of the distance created. In addition, modern family disadvantage contributes to the degeneration of culture and heritage as there is a gap created between the older generation and the upcoming in the passage of the cherised culture and heritage.


The extended family setting makes for an all-inclusive family bond where everyone dwells/resides together sharing common believes and values which makes for progress. In addition, family business and enterprise is more feasible in this type of family setting as more hands are on deck as source of manpower e.g. some families are into Agriculture, Culinary, Crafts/artworks etc. The olden (extended) family setting as helps in promoting good cultural heritage either of the family, town or nation compared to the modern type.

The major disadvantage of olden (extended) family setting is the lack of specific responsibility for each of the young ones as it should be. As children are different from each other, so is the specific nurturing and parenting which is easily exemplified in the modern family than the olden family setting. In addition, there might be inadequacies in basic needs of life in such families which will impart in the quality of life they will leave as compared to that of modern family.

In all, either olden (extended) or modern (nuclear) family type, the love, bond, joy of family is the most paramount and by this, we will have a better society and world.

This is my participation post in #Mayinleo monthly prompt for day 15 by the #inleo. Check out this @leogrowth/may-inleo-monthly-prompts to get involved. @adedoyin-g and @mummygo, you are invited to join this initiative THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

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