The Day I Lost My Eyeglasses

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My day started like any other casual meet-up with my friends. We decided to meet in Ortigas.Our main agenda? Experience the world of laser tag together!

cinnamon rolls and coffee @ Cinnabon

We set our meeting time for 11 am, with hopes of enjoying a Japanese lunch and catching up on each other's lives.

Penny showed up right on the dot. She's always been the early bird, even back in college when she lived miles away from campus. She must've had a secret teleportation device or something 🤣

After a few minutes, I joined Penny. We had a quick coffee break at Cinnabon, where we indulged ourselves with coffee and cinnamon rolls while waiting for Gie. An hour passed, and still no sign of Gie. Classic!

To pass the time while waiting for Gie, Penny and I decided to explore some stores inside the mall.

where we had our linner (lunch and dinner)

Waiting for Gie had become a familiar routine for us. It was already 2:30 pm, far from our original plan to meet at 11am, Gie arrived. Gie has her own sense of time lol, and we've learned to embrace it over the years.

With our group finally complete, we went to Dohtonbori where we had our linner (lunch and dinner combined) 🤣

We had Katsudon, Tempuradon, and Salmon Fried Rice with Lettuce. It was our first time there. The food was good and a bit cheaper than other Japanese restaurants we've been to. We'll definitely come back to try their other treats.

After our delicious linner, it's time for Laser Tag!

When we got to the Lazer Arena, a long queue greeted us. But we're not the ones that get discouraged easily.

We paid 250 per head for one game. It was worth it!

We decided to make the most of our time and treat ourselves to a manicure and pedicure session on Tips 'n Toes while waiting for our turn. Who says we can't pamper ourselves while waiting?


inside Tips 'n Toes

Since we still had time to spare, Gie and I decided to treat ourselves to a manicure and pedicure, while Penny chose to get a manicure only.


my friends while having our manicure and pedicure sesh

With freshly painted nails, we decided it was time to conquer the world of laser tag.

Lazer Arena

Finally, it's time to wear our laser vests. There were three to four other groups of friends who joined us. They gave us a briefing about our teammates and how to use the laser guns.

my friends and I inside the Lazer Arena, wearing our vests and holding our laser guns

Before heading inside, my friends and I took a picture. I also took a photo of my gun's name, just in case I forgot it.

my laser gun details

Then, we entered the darkness, dodging lasers and laughing with our team.

In the midst of chaos and excitement, bumping into my teammates and opponents, I suddenly couldn't see clearly. I panicked for a second. That was the moment I knew my eyeglasses were missing. We searched in the dimly lit arena while cautiously avoiding our opponents lurking behind the walls.

As a competitive girl, I kept going, trying to enjoy the game and hoard points as much as possible, and pretending my glasses were still on my face. Who needs perfect vision in the middle of battle, right?

And as a result? Our team won! HAAA! The staff displayed the list of winners and their scores. I tried finding my name, but it was all a blur. Thank goodness for smartphone cameras! I took a photo of it and zoomed in to check my score. (Life hack!) But in the midst of celebrating our victory, the reality set in - I had lost my eyeglasses.

We're team Red!

I mustered the courage to approach the staff and inquire about my lost eyeglasses. They explained that the nature of the game likely meant my glasses were beyond repair but they'd still find it. I braced myself for the worst. I left my contact information as I prepare myself to bid farewell to my eyeglasses and accepted the fact that I would need to buy a new pair as soon as possible.

My friends and I made our way to the bathroom before we move on with our day. Penny and Gie insisted that we check the Lazer Arena once more for any updates on my eyeglasses. I assured them not to worry and I'll just buy a new pair the next day, but they persisted so we gave it a shot. Little did I know that spur-of-the-moment decisions would change everything.

As we returned to the Lazer Arena, the staff handed me my eyeglasses - intact and completely unharmed! Not a single scratch! I couldn't believe it! How had my glasses survived the intense game? It was just like a miracle!

my eyeglasses after the chaotic game

Leaving the mall that day made my mind buzzing with thoughts and emotions. This ordinary day had turned into an extraordinary adventure, reminding me of the unpredictable nature of life.

The day I lost my eyeglasses taught me something about life. Sometimes, even when things seem lost and broken, fate has a way of surprising us. And even in uncertain times, the support of friends can lead to incredible outcomes.

Have you ever experienced a similar twist of fate? A moment when you thought all was lost, but then a miracle happened? OR a time when your friends' support made all the difference?

'Til my next blog!

📸 All images are mine unless otherwise stated.
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