She Made A Beautiful Mess


It's horrible! It's a mess!

Let me tell you how my youngest sister transformed my plain white shirt into a disaster. She marched to the bedroom after school, grinning, and told me what she did.

It all started because of a project in school. I didn't know it would involve sacrificing one of my favorite shirts. Before I gave her my shirt, I prepared myself for the worst possible outcome. It's not like I doubted her artistic skills, she's good at that stuff. But when it comes to delicate projects like this, I'm not so sure.

Her teasing got me curious. How messy was it?

Have you ever had that moment when you were a student and you forgot to tell your parents about something important you needed for school? It's midnight and you're stuck in a dilemma of whether to wake your parents up or just suffer the consequences.

That's exactly what happened to my younger sister. Right before my mom was about to sleep, my youngest sister dropped the bomb that she needs stuff for her project and she needs it the next day.

She needs a white plain shirt, dye colors, rubber bands, an apron, and gloves. That night, our whole family went on a treasure hunt, searching for these things to prepare.

My mom asked me to sacrifice my plain white shirt, which I use as my indoor clothes. So, being the awesome sibling that I am 😂, I did. I even teased my sister to make the tie-dye shirt beautiful because hey, it's my shirt, and I have high standards when it comes to projects (ask my students, they know 😄). I don't settle for less.

My father prepared the dye. He cooked the fabric dye, then he placed it in three squeeze bottle containers. My sister chose the combination of purple, yellow, and red.

the fabric dyes - I labeled each bottle for my sister's reference

Then, my father soaked the white shirt in water and tied it using rubber bands. My sister was the one giving my father instructions on how to tie it. When she's making her projects for school, she's chill but at the same time nitpicky.

tied shirt using rubber bands

My mom prepared the gloves and apron. My youngest sister's project is indeed a family project.


The next day, my sister brought all the materials to school because that's where they will make the tie-dye shirt. Personally, I think it's better to do it in school because teachers can keep an eye on things and make sure the students are making the projects.

Fast forward to 6 pm when I heard my sister's footsteps. It's their dismissal time. I stepped out of the bedroom, and I saw my father entering our house, holding my sister's bag and her tie-dye project. My sister was laughing and I couldn't resist not to smile. My plain white shirt turned into a beautiful mess, with vibrant colors.

tie-dye made by my youngest sister

She told me it was horrible. I didn't expect it to turn out like this - a beautiful mess.

📸 All images are mine unless otherwise stated.
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