My Loving Kid


"Opps there's a shred", the birthing specialist uttered in a dismayed tone. That was 13 years ago, July 28,2010. My husband, who was right in front of me, assisting the birthing specialist upon my delivery, was speechless. You might be wondering, but a decade ago, more or less, it was allowed to have your husband with you upon your labor and delivery in a birthing clinic.

My husband then couldn't compose himself upon seeing our second baby having a harelip and later to have a cleft palate as well, meaning the issue was not only on the lip but also the palate area.

Believe it or not, but as I saw my son, never had I felt dismay or regret. All I could see was a physically normal baby boy. Infact we love him so much. Nevertheless, I was only hesitant to let our neighbors have a glimpse of our baby boy because I knew for sure that they would be feeling blue or for some, might ridicule my baby and that would really hurt me terribly.

Later than that, when we were about to be discharged from the clinic, the birthing specialist told us to see a charity which handles cleft palate operations.

And so we went home to our rented room at Tayud Consolacion Cebu.
Upon our entry into the boarding rooms, our neighbors immediately rushed towards us and were so excited to see my son. I wouldn't, of course, push them away. It was unexpectedly unethical since we were friend.


So I let them see my baby. Lines of disappointment marked on their faces, but there was one neighbor who had comforting words and said, " Agoy day dali rana sulbaron, naay daghan motabang day nga mga charity, ayaw ragyud kaguol ana kay ang Ginoo nagbuot sa tanan. "☺️in english it says," Nothing to worry about, anyway there are a lot of charity works or foundations who could help you with the cleft operations. The will of God, let it happen."



I began to breastfeed him as usual, but after a couple of weeks, my mom visited us and she clamored with wrinkled forehead as she saw Preach. The baby was unexpectedly very thin. But in denial, I thought that was just mom's opinion. Maybe because my eldest child was growing fast and flabby. Until, as a couple, we got worried when 3rd to 4th weeks from his birth my baby had not improved physically. Thus, we scheduled a day for a doctor's appointment. As Preach's name was called, the doctor had a glance at us and promptly asked what our problem with the child was and I immediately answered, "We are worried about my baby's health condition, because he has just turned 6 days and a month now but his so thin." The doctor smiled and said, "Your baby is just fine, nothing to worry about. He only needs proper feeding, since he can't suck well due to his mouth defect. So you only need a dropper and pumped breast milk or formula milk to suffice the baby's needs if your milk is inadequate.


That night, the baby slept soundly with his back and a tummy so full as we deligently followed the doctor's advice ☺. What amazes us in this chapter of my son's life was that , despite being so thin , he was strong enough to stand by his own feet while I was holding up his soft body during bathing time when he was just 4 days old and I didn't know why😅. That remarkable strength possessed him until today☺.



No sooner had he scheduled for a free harelip operation in Lapulapu District Hospital when he was 6 months old. While waiting for his turn, this baby of mine kept smiling, and even tried to as if talking to passers-by in a bubbling language. Two Australian doctors couldn't resist him being so cordial and stopped for a while and sincerely responded to my baby's warm welcome.





Later we were instructed by the doctors to cease breastfeeding for a moment to our baby due to some injected medicines needed for the surgery and or precautionary measures with regards to the upcoming operation.

Though deprived of milk from 8 pm to 8 in the morning, still, baby Preach managed not to disturb the people and the co-patients around us. Still, I did not know the reason for his calmness, the fact that he had not taken milk for longer hours, may possibly had an unkind effect to him. Despite all those circumstances, he had a sweet sleep that night.


The following day my baby was forced to wake up early to take a bath. At 8 in the morning, (my apologies because I don't recall the dates), Preach's name was called for his turn.

After a couple of hours of waiting, my attention was called by the nurse and saw what the Lord has done. I praised the Lord for the transformation of baby Preach.He's so admirable and much fine. I could see his lips so cute and very calm😂☺️😇. We went home exhilerated. That was just the beginning of his three timed operations, since the doctor should not perform 3 operations at a time. (Note: These are the only pictures being recovered from a lost phone)


The healing process must be taken into account before the second operation, took over and so as the 3rd or last one, which was down the palate area. It took a year or two before the next operation was scheduled.It was tough to handle actually, especially when he was already able to get solid food.I should be cautious and watch him over most of the time, since he could already reach some solid food and might scratch his palate.



Helping out his father in loading on the purchased sacks of thrifted shoes


Vending thrifted shoes after school.


repairing a shoe during spare time after school works and play time.



Singing and worshiping for the Lord.

Fast forward, in defiance of having a physical disability, Preach, with his nickname Chekoy, grows with humble confidence , love and respect, because as parents we show him that he is truly equal with other kids and that won't change. He is always loved and respected.I am also grateful to the people who surround us. They have shown to Preach, the same treatment with those ordinary people. Hence, this boy has reached this far. At an early age, he is a significant business partner to our thrift shoes. He is admirably strategic when it comes to life career skill. As a son and as a person, he is trully adorable,generous, friendly and most notably has began to be used for God's glory .



Decades ago, persons with disabilities were called handicapped,disabled,blind,deaf,mute etc.These kinds of calling strike on the person's incapacity, directing straight to their faces that they are different. These calls have a damaging effect on their thoughts, emotions, actions or overall personalities. These have become, if not absolute, but a sort of bullying.

Thanks to the educators, psychologists and the like who have contributed to the well being of people with disablities, because they have the hearts to understand, to address their felt needs. Therefore, they have designed a standard call of names for them. They have crafted calls like persons with disability(PWD) instead of disabled people, deaf to the hearing impaired class (H.I.), blind to visually impaired(V.I.), the moroons to mentally challenged(M.C.), Cleft to speech impaired (S.I.) and even prisoners or inmates they are now called as persons deprived of liberty (PDL). Furthermore, it is ironic to think that there are a lot of fit people but, unfortunately, they are too lazy, dependent and not worthy of trust.

But on the otherhand, a lot of people with disabilities whose lives have become successful in various areas of life. Why?Because our capacity to succeed in life is not limited to our physical defects (except, of course, those who are mentally incapacitated), instead it is all about our hardwork,determination and guts in life matters at the end of the day.


Regardless of the circumstance, we are magnificently created by God. Some may be born this and that way. But let us remember all things work together for good for those who love Him and who are called by His purpose. Our incapacities are indicators for us to be reminded that we are limited,we need someone who is so divine and is able to intervene powerfully with our journey in this life.


My Loving Family

That's it for this blog.Thank you for reading , hope you learn something and see you in my next blog.☺️

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