Family farewell to my nephew Axel, on his way back to his mother's home.


Feliz y bendecido sábado tengan todos mis apreciados hivers de esta bonita comunidad, mis saludos y mis respetos para todos ustedes además de darle la bienvenida a un nuevo contenido, esperando como siempre que sea de su agrado y lo disfruten. Hoy les vengo a compartir la despedida familiar de mi sobrino Axel, de regreso a su hogar materno.




El 20 de julio del año pasado, fue recibido en nuestro hogar mi sobrino Axel Alejandro, después de que mi hermano quién es su papá estuvo ausente del país por lo tanto se perdió de compartir con él por un tiempo aproximado de 5 años, por tal razón después de llegar al país y esperar que el niño terminara su año escolar, mi hermano fue a buscarlo para que pasara las vacaciones escolares con él, dichas vacaciones por circunstancias ajenas a su voluntad específicamente por la condición país se alargaron tanto, que después de un año es decir específicamente el día de hoy, le tocó irlo a entregar a algunos familiares maternos para que se lo hicieran entrega a la mamá.

Hoy fue un momento muy emotivo, cargado de alegría que a su vez nostalgia, mis padres tenían sentimientos encontrados porque mi sobrino se tenía que regresar a vivir con su mamá y su hermanita, estamos conscientes que de cierta manera es lo mejor para él porque todo niño necesita estar en contacto y relacionarse con su madre/ hermana pero bueno, así le tocará vivir porque por circunstancia de la vida sus padres están separados y les tocará compartirse su educación y custodia.




Gracias por acompañarme aquí y hasta otra.
Gracias por leerme y tu valioso apoyo.

Las fotos son mías @cielitorojo con mi Tecno Spark 10 Pro.
Traducido con el traductor Deepl.

Happy and blessed Saturday have all my dear hivers of this beautiful community, my greetings and my respects to all of you in addition to welcome you to a new content, hoping as always that it is to your liking and enjoy it. Today I come to share with you the family farewell of my nephew Axel, back to his maternal home.

On July 20th of last year, my nephew Axel Alejandro was received in our home, after my brother who is his father was absent from the country so I missed sharing with him for a period of approximately 5 years, for that reason after arriving in the country and wait for the child to finish his school year, My brother went to look for him to be able to spend the school holidays with him, these holidays due to circumstances beyond his control, specifically due to the conditions of the country, took so long that after a year, that is to say, specifically today, he had to go and hand him over to his mother's relatives so that they could hand him over to his mother.

Today has been a very emotional moment, full of joy and at the same time nostalgia, my parents had mixed feelings because my nephew had to go back to live with his mother and his little sister, we are aware that in a way it is the best thing for him because every child needs to be in contact and relate to his mother/sister but well, this is how he will have to live because due to circumstances of life his parents are separated and they will have to share his education and custody.

Thank you for joining me here and see you another time.
Thanks for reading me and your valuable support.

The photos are of me @cielitorojo with my Tecno Spark 10 Pro.
Translated with Deepl translator.

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