"A night of unbreakable bond"


Aloha! aloha! Everyone it's been a while since my last post was published, so how are you doing? Just leave a reply in the comment section. So for this blog I would like to share my experience a week ago, that was Sunday night. During that day we have our church service and later that night we have our basketball league.

fried chicken

A little preparation for the game, a food intended for all who would like to come, @queeniemary is one of the cook.
made with love

Everyone is so excited to witness the game and desiring to win the game, and also looking forward to bond with the players and church mates.

We met these players so unexpectedly because we are a city apart but God's plan that we meet them for the reason that they want to play basketball.

The first Sunday night they were like shy because it our first night that we see each other and didn't create a bond yet. But what I am amazed of is their willingness to travel a long way just to play the game.

So before we meet them again as I have said we do prepare a dinner for all, and it's all set up at the back car and we are just waiting for the time.

all ready set

It is a great day

our one and only car

This is really nice when there are times that the people you treat as your family will be having time to go out with you. A time we can cheer and support. I've known this people for about more than two years as we all part of a one church.

our own cheerleaders

So after a short trip going to the covered court, we reached the venue and we thought we are a little late but it turns out we are the most punctual among all the churches who will join the game, even the lights is not turned on yet.

So we unload our water and left our food inside the car because it is for later. We unload the water first which is the most important thing we brought that night and set up our things on the side of the court and gathered the players together with us.

Later on, the first quarter has started. The shouting and cheering begin.

Asking protection from God

the first quarter has begun

@chimegipamus is the most cheerful among them all, she is the one who act like the coach of the game because her husband is one of the player.

And @queeniemary is the one who will get upset if a player did a mistake in the game, she will guide the players also. She is one of the loudest when it comes to shouting

In the middle of the game we are the leading team, but in the third and fourth quarter there alpha player of our opponent joined the game and was very good at the game but a little bit harsh that our players get bumped and fall down and get wounded by their nail.

Along the game we concluded that that was not our night. The end of the game was so unfortunate because we lose the game, but the bond and thrill will never be over in our hearts and mind.
The shouting, cheering throwing our voice to motivate the players was very enjoyable. We lose the game but it's not game over for us.

After the losing game, it's eating time! I was so busy that I forgot to take pictures. And after they eat we give them a pocket money for their gasoline. Making sure they get on their home safely was very important.

City of Naga at night

shimmering lights of Naga

After making sure they ride safely home, we went to City of Naga plaza. So this is what City of Naga plaza looks like in the night, food stands are every where and lots of food to choose from.


sauce filled shawarma wrap

A night full of happiness although we lose the game but still considerable because not all the time we are on the top, sometimes we are at the bottom that is why let us just enjoy the journey even though it may be rough or a smooth sail as long as your still moving that is the most important thing.

The bond, the time that we spent will not be wasted. The laugh the shouting and the cheering was the very memorable moment because we have the same goal, that is to cheer and to motivate the game.

Mini tennis court

Sport car of the night

So that is it hive family, I hope you have a wonderful journey ahead.
Incase no one will greet you I just want to say Good morning Ang Good night.

Over all, what we need is quality time with our family and friends and we consider it as the very heartwarming feeling knowing that there are still people who wants to see you.

Bye! bye! And see you again to my upcoming blogs God bless you all🙏☺️❤️

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