Chocolates for Her: A Mothers' Day Special

Chocolates for Her: A Mothers' Day Special

She is beautiful, she is wonderful, she is hardworking, she is caring, she is loving, she is my Mom. Hello Hive Fam, welcome to another blog. For todays blog, I will be dedicating this most especially to my mother and to all mothers out there who are willing to give their all for their child.

All you need in life is a mother that supports all your endeavor and commitments in life, and I am so thankful for having such a supportive mother to me and to my siblings. My mother is not perfect but I don't see her as imperfect, she is the most beautiful, loving and caring mom for me. She is the best mom, and I could not ask for more, she gave her all just to make me and my siblings felt loved and cared.

She wakes up at 4 A.M. in the morning to prepare as food to eat, she packed us our food for lunch going to school, iron our uniforms, prepare food for us in the table, and made ready a tub of water for us to bathe. She gave us daily allowance even if our budgets are tight, just for us to by snacks at school. This is how lucky I am having such a mother like her. She provide us education, which she always tell us of pursuing, as she was not able to pursue it during her time. She always remind us of the importance of going to school. "You are privileged of having this opportunity to get an education, during our time it was not that easy to go to school, especially that your parents aren't interested in sending you to school". These words really marked my mind and made me strive hard to pursue what my mother wasn't able to pursue.

I am so thankful to my mother for raising us so well. In order to pay all of her efforts and sacrifices, I see to it that I always do good and perform well at school. I don't want to fail my mother, she so much believed in my capacities. Even in my failures, I never lost my mother's support, she always motivate me to continue and stand up against hurdles and adversities in life. She is the first person that believed in my capabilities, that I can and I will. I will never forget the day we both cried together after I passed the Philippine National Police Academy Cadet Admission Test. It was 4 A.M. in the morning when she noticed me crying after seeing the results. She asked me, "What happened?" I told her that I passed the entrance exam, and we both cried together in happiness. That was the time when I really felt my mother's love and support for me.

I am not showy to my mother, but God knows how much I loved her, how much I strive and worked harder in life just to make her proud and pay back her sacrifices in raising and educating me. She always says that, "I don't asked you to pay back to us your parents when you get successful, I do this for you to have a decent life, for you to have an education, and for you not to be like me, (deprived of education). As her son, it hurts me most that my mother wasn't able to go to school due to family's disapproval and economic status. With this, it motivates me a lot and it gives me more reasons to be successful.

My mother really impacted and shaped my being as an individual, she taught me life values which I made my wings to propel the complexities of the real world. My mother helped me in constructing my wings for me to be able to traverse the unknown on my own. I see to it that I have to be like a bird, a bird that doesn't worry about what will happen if he climbed up a tall tree, free from worries of being dragged down by gravity. That's why I should keep my wings strong to be able to withstand greater heights in life.

A mother's love is so pure and genuine that even if her child committed a mistake, she will and will always forgive, as a mother can't endure such a hard feelings for her son or daughter. Our parents were not growing backwards, we as their sons and daughters necessarily played a pivotal role in order for them to feel a since of integrity, in order for them to feel wisdom in life. That if they look back into their past life, they will feel a sense of fulfillment, that they have raised their child so well, a child who is educated, respectable, and most of all successful. These reflects the theory of Psychosocial Development of Erik Erikson, the last stage of human development which is the late adulthood holds the moral conflict of integrity vs. despair. In order for our parents not to feel despair but a sense of integrity, we should at least made them feel that they have raised us so well.

To all mothers out their my sincerest greeting to all of you, you are the best mom each and every of your sons and daughters. They may not show you love through physical touch or even words, but trust me we truly love you, our mothers. We may not be able to say I love you, kiss you or hug you but deep inside our hearts, we are striving to be successful, for you to be proud of us. A huge hug to all mothers out there, happy Mother's Day to all and God Bless you.

That's all for today Hive Fam, Love your Mother, they are your first and great supporter, strive hard and make your Mama proud. Thank you for spending time reading my blog, until next time. Have a great day ahead!

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