Missing my Friends

Part of adulting and having our own family means lesser time with friends. Our priority shifts to other priorities over friends.

Gone are the days when with just one call away and we are in a particular place to enjoy food or go for an unplanned roadtrip. Gone are the days when I could just appear in my friend's house without notice and expect her to entertain me and ask if I can sleepover her house. Gone are the days when after a meticulous planning, we're out to enjoy a much deserved trip to enjoy a vacation basking on the sun, savouring the beauty of nature by the beach and enjoying some drinks and karaoke and just have fun.

We do not hangout or see each other that often anymore. I understand that they also have their own priorities they need to attend to. Though sometimes we attempt to reunite hoping everyone is present for once but our schedules and priorities won't coincide with each other.

Now thinking about those beautiful memories flashing back, I' d say I truly miss them.

As we embark on this journey called life we made connections and frienships. Some friendships remained and some were forgotten. Some are on constant communication and some have become like strangers. But there are those that are unique and built on strong foundation one couldn't just forget. And these are the friendships I miss having around me.

I really miss those moments...

with my friends since childhood...

My fondest memories are with my childhood friends. They were my classmates and playmates before who built our friendship on the ground of pure innocence and genuine intentions. With them are days when life wasn't so complicated. We had our sweet and bitter days but it was all just part of building a stronger foundation of our long-lasting friendship.

When we were older past college, they are the ones I could call to be with when I needed one.

One of our favorite things to do is spend our time on the beach and just talk about anything and everything under the sun.


This is one of my favorite photo of us. We just got off from the boat that took us back after having a great time at an island beach when a thunderstorm suddenly occured. We were soaking wet and cold but still managed to enjoy the moment and took a photo.

Those precious moments we shared and the things we used do before that, now we seldom are able to do.

with my friends since college...

College is the most brutal stage for me. It's survival of the fittest in terms of acquiring a degree. With ruthless days and nights to beat deadlines or sleepless nights of study and school work coupled with the feeling of inferiority and the lack of self confidence, I held on to my closest friends. I wouldn't have survived if not with them. We shared the hardships, the drama, and the joy and success of college life. We even shared answers and laboratory reports, s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ 😆. Oopss, I shouldn't have mentioned it. But what matters is that we survived and learned so much from our experiences.

Now we don't talk that much even in chats and haven't meet some of them for the longest time. We are busy building our own lives. I only get updates of each others lives through facebook.

But I know, no matter what, our frienship built on the foundation of comaradie and mutual support will surpass any distance and absence.


with my closest colleagues

Even in a big circle at work, I found a smaller circle of friends with whom I shared a tighter bond. We vent out each other's frustrations and stress related to work which I find helpful in unloading negativities. It pays to have someone to speak to who can understand how you feel.

We love going out for dinner after work and chipping in for the food we shared. We also enjoyed travelling together when we had the chance.


Now, it has been a while when we spend time together apart from being at work. Our tired bodies after an overwhelming day keeps us away from going out. In addition, our responsibilities to our families make plans of a hanging out less possible. We maybe see each other at work, say our hellos but it's the quality of time spent with them that I missed.

There is a void inside of me that only friends can fill in. For now, I'll just let the days pass by and hoping one day, we'll be able to fill this space with happy memories together again.

I just miss them!

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