


Hello dear fellow hiveans. It is 1 day more to go before the new year. I know that everybody is excited, despite some ups and downs in life we can still face them with a smile. Moving on, today I will be sharing our school's pre- special holiday activities.


Grade 9 Emerald pre-exchange gift


Last 1st week of December, our teacher adviser told us to have an exchange gifts. The gifts should be from something smooth and hard. We had then our wish list exchanged one to another with our names untold to add excitement.

At first I worried a bit since financial source is unstable and my classmate's wish for something smooth was a bit expensive. It was just a hoody but he is so tall and a big man. That means the price is higher compared to small ones.


A blue hoody, a size perfect for my manito.

But papa told me he'll make a way. So the three of us with mama went strolling around Mandaue, we visited every bazzar and had a quick eye run with hoodies. However, to look for a very nice stuff yet cheaper prize was a tiresome activity. But mama's endurance in finding what we need is as always a hundred percent. So late in the afternoon, thank God we'd found one. I was so happy. It was a large midnight blue hoody.


"A neck pillow perfect for travelling.☺️"


"color pens, a something hard presents"

While my wish list are: pillow neck and colors pens. My best friend Aina fortunately was the one who got my list hahah.


"Contagious smiles of my classmates with their gifts on hand."

Furthermore, on the day that we unboxed our gifts, the classroom seemed a market noise for a while. All of us in grade 9- Emerald were so happy for having such wonderful gifts exactly what is listed on the paper. We could not help but smile.


"Tangible things"

Truly a season where giving becomes a picture portrayed anywhere. From tiny hair clips for a childhood friend, letters written with a sincere heart, to a pair of shoes and to major materials like house and lot, cars, and or expensive celebrations for wealthy people.


...we all wanted..☺️

But giving is neither confined in things we can grasp nor in the amount we can calculate. In fact giving in its deeper sense is extending far down in our hearts. I remember a friend of mine but I choose to keep her name.


"A friend is a gift."

She told me about a family problem. It was a bit long but in conclusion, it seemed like she was always at fault. I comforted her and with that she said thank you for being there. That minor ways like giving your time listening to a crying friend has a major impact on their lives



"An intangible GIFT I NEEDED MORE...My Family."❤️🥰

For me "A Gift" that is unequally dear is my family. My papa and mama and my only brother. When all is said and done, I can say that they are always whom I can lean on. They are "my home" where I can find a haven and rest after a long tiresome journey of life. Beautiful houses, cars, nice dresses, etc. are only freebies but the best gift one can have is the family....the imperfect family that is carved perfectly by the the Lord.

Thank you everyone for giving time to read my blog. See you next time.🥰❤️. God bless everyone and advance happy new year!

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