Black Toga, Tassel and Diploma: A Celebration of Triumph


Graduation marks the end of a student's academic journey and opens its door for a new beginning, a new chapter in their lives which will put their profession into good use.

The moment the family had been waiting for has finally happened. The youngest in the family has received her college diploma on July 28,2024, Sunday.

She graduated senior high at City of Bogo Science and Arts Academy under the STEM (Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) strand. Certain of becoming a future engineer, she expressed her desire to enroll in an engineering degree in a University. But due to financial constraints, that dream remained to be a dream. Her single mother could not afford the tuition fee while us her two working cousins were also financing our youngest in her studies.

One of our grandmothers who is currently residing at San Francisco, California, USA offered to shoulder all her expenses in her studies including tuition fee, allowance and accommodation if she would take nursing in Cebu Doctors’ University. My grandmother wanted her to work abroad and being a nurse is the easiest pathway. Determined to continue her studies, she had no choice but to take the said course. Nevertheless, it is still in line with her strand.

It was the height of pandemic on her first two years in College. Thus, her classes were done online via zoom or google meet. Two years after, enhanced community quarantine were lifted and all institutions required them to a face to face class for an in-person learning. Unfamiliar with Mandaue-Cebu City, she bravely stayed in a dorm and lived independently.

Though her heart was in engineering, studying nurse gradually built a passion in her in taking care of others. She began to love her degree that it was evident in her smiles whenever I talk to her about it and seeing her pictures with her classmates. I do firmly believe that God has its reason for everything. She was forced to take nursing so that she could look after our Lola who has hypertension and our other Lola in the United States. Hypertension (high blood pressure) runs in the family and were the cause of death of my grandfather (Lola's husband) and mother. My uncle and auntie have it as well and are currently under maintenance. Therefore, a nurse in the family would be beneficial.

Advancing to 2024.

At long last, she will march on July 28, 2024. The family is in full force to witness the graduation rites of my cousin. No one should miss it that even our Lola with low energy level would travel four hours from our hometown. On the other hand, that is the first time we traveled together as a complete family since mama died.

Sunday was the day of their graduation at Cebu Doctors' University Auditorium. We went to the university at 7 in the morning as per schedule.


The University entrance filled with bouquet and garland vendors.

But the University only allowed two people per student to watch the rites in the auditorium. So we let our Lola and Uncle and the rest were just in the university's lobby in ground floor. There was stationed a live coverage through a projector for some of the relatives to virtually witness the ceremony. We just watched each students being called one by one to receive their diploma.


The University lobby.

Hours after, we were then instructed to go inside the auditorium since the ceremony is about to end. Hence, we went to the venue on 6th floor. We were just at the back standing since the seats were all occupied.


My cousin's bouquet.

The recessional march began and we were waiting for her to reach the exit. When found, we immediately hugged her as our congratulatory greeting and gave her the bouquet of flowers and her money garland.

The ceremony finished at 11 in the morning just on time for lunch. But we first took a lot of pictures to commemorate her graduation and for memories as well. That's a mandatory. Our Lola was kind of grumpy already as she was already starving and quite dizzy due to the crowd, but despite that, she was still all smiles during the picture taking session.






She is an only child and with that we treated her as our real youngest sister and us being her "ate's" (older sister). My late mother also treated her as if she was her own daughter and my cousin would call her "mama". I am sure that she is proud of her.

We then went to SM Cebu City which is less than 30 minute ride from the University for our lunch. We had already made reservation in a restaurant there and traveled back to our home town after lunch.


Family's celebratory lunch.

On the other hand, traveling with a senior is honestly stressful since my Lola is kind of stubborn. Furthermore, as we all know, senior's health are deteriorating which made them weak. They don't have the same energy as ours and their capabilities are slowly declining which I completely understand for showing such behavior. It definitely stretches your patience and widens your understanding. However, a rewarding feeling when you see them smile and grateful for your assistance.

Furthermore, time flies so fast, we finally have a nurse in the family. I couldn't be any prouder of her achievement. It brought me back to the day of my graduation; wearing my toga, feeling proud and uncertain of the future. I pray that may God bless her and guide her on her future endeavor most especially that she is starting her review classes for the Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination. I could not wait for you to be in action as a registered nurse; bringing, giving and saving lives.

And I am so proud to brag that all Lola's beautiful angels are now degree holder.


Lola and her four beautiful girls.

CNU - Bachelor of Arts in Communication, 2014
CNU - Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, 2015
CNU - Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, 2022
CDU - Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 2024

Until the next blog. Thank you for reading.

With so much love - XOXO,
Bev 😘

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