Our Christmas party in the Church

Hello co-hive, it's alycha in your feed again. So this blog was about our party on our church that was held on December 30.

So on our last day of our performance, ma'am Shiba a teacher in our school give us a money that was worth of 1000 pesos. And then we give it to ma'am hardy that is also a teacher in our school and the one who hadle us and she also give us a 1000 pesos.

So we supposed to spend that money on going to the beach, but going to the beach cost so much money. And then we thought that the group should bring their own food, that's why we spend the 2000 pesos on buying some ingredients for our food.

And when I get there, theirs still not complete cause some of the members were the one who cooks the foods. And we then attend the mass, and when the mass were done, we then get out of the church and sit on the chair that has a table on center, and it was located on side of the church.

Minutes pass the announcer then said that the table were ready, so find your table's cause we're gonna start the party on any minute. And when we arrived at our table there were many gifts that I didn't expect that it was for us. And then one of the lady Santa said that their was a dance contest.


And we didn't know that their's a dance contest, that's why one the member suggest that lets just dance the dance that we practice for the new year.

And we all did agree cause if we dance the other dance it will not fit on the theme which is Hawaiian by the way, also their's a big possibility that we will messed it up because of lack of practice.

And the announcer then announced that we will start the party, we then go on the center cause we are the one who will perform the aliluyah. And when our performance was finished, the announcer then said that we will have some games before we eat.

And here are some games that we did







And the members participate on the games as well, and later on someone came to our table and give us some tasty foods that we didn't know father prepare for each member of the church.






We were so thankful that he save us some tasty foods, cause we actually thought that each group should bring their own foods. So when the games were finish, we then eat our foods.

And minute pass the announcer said that we will start the other games. And when the games we're, done the announcer said that we will start the dance contest. And we were the second who will dance. And when all of the contestants already dance, they then start the raffle.

And here are the things that they give to the raffle.



And when the raffle where finished, they then announced the winner of the dance contest. And the winner of it was the kiay mates, which is the adult Santa's. And we were the second placer, and it was still fine because we didn't know that their was a dance contest, also we didn't even wear a Hawaiian attire like the kiay mates.

And then the announcer said that it's time for exchange gift, we didn't participate on that one.


And when the party were almost done, someone approach ishbel and give her some gift. And the gift was a glass. I don't know how many glass was inside of it cause I didn't count it. And we thought that it was just a glass, but it wasn't can you guys guest it??!! you can comment it down below (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠).

So when the party we're done, we then start cleaning our table. And then me and some of the members goes inside of the combinto and drink some water cause we were really really thirsty. And we then parted ways cause it was already a bit of late, and my mom and cousin were already waiting outside (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠).

And that's all for today's blog, thank you for spearing your time on reading my blog(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤.

And it's been alycha, see you next blog co-hive, take care and have a wonderful day byebye💞


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