Reflection: Family Bonding At The Beach

Hey everyone!

It feels like forever since I last posted 😆✌️

And while I’ve missed spending time on my blog, I’m going to do my best to try and catch up with all the content ideas I had lined up these past days.

But here’s a quick look at what I’ve been up to and how I’ve been feeling in my life happy-nings(happenings) lately:

Last weekend, it was a whole day brownout. My in-laws suddenly said that maybe we can go to the beach since it is brownout. We then prepared the things and of course the food we are going to bring at the beach. Since they have lots of buko, my husband made some "lamaw" or the buko juice.

(Of course, i need to taste it first 😅)

Good thing, that the siblings of my husband were also present that time. We went to the Municipality of San Remigio since they have beautiful beaches there. This may be just a simple get-together celebration for others, but for my husband it is his chance to reconnect with his loved ones that he doesn't see often.

We prepared simple dishes like fish, pork, crabs and scallops to satisfy our tummy 😅

(Grilled pork and fish)
(Hmmm grilled pork will always be my favorite😂)

Eating time! It is so happy seeing them enjoying their food together

(How I wish I have big family same as my husband's side🥹)

While eating, me and my husband have a little conversation that made me realize on how important to have a complete family. He said "first time pajud ni nahitabo nga nagkapundok ming pamilya" (this was the first time that we are complete together with my family) 🥹 Aside from their availability, there is more personal reason behind why they have difficulty in getting together with his family. Maybe in the next blog I can share it to you.

Going back, I felt emotional hearing this. At that moment, I can feel that his inner child is very happy. Seeing them laughing, sharing stories during their childhood, and the strong bond that they have will always be there.

I vividly remember when I was young, I got jealous of some of my friends because of their big families. But it's alright; I can blend in with my in-laws 😅. Anyways, enough for the drama hahaha.

And playtime for kids will always be there. This is Liam's favorite going on the beach 🥰





When it's almost time to go home, we packed up our things.

And of course we would not miss this chance to have photo together.


While going home, it made my realize that these are the moments that I needed, the feeling of pure happiness with our family, the strong bonding are definitely the things we live for. They are like the golden threads woven into the tapestry of our lives.

Life lately has felt so great in the best kind of way, from being "I-am-so-exhausted-I-can’t-think kind of way" to feeling "energized-and-ready to face new challenges"😅. I can now sense that everytime we feel exhausted, it should be a must to take a break even for a while.

Wrapping up, we always need time to restore our energy from being burnout from everyday hustle by spending time with our family. Finding our self a healthy work-life balance that fosters our well-being. Forget the deadlines, just enjoy the moment. Then the next day, there will be a feeling of a renewed sense of focus and accomplishment and back again to reality.

How about you?
What are your realizations lately? Let me know what's been going on. Thank you so much for reading! Until the next blog!

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