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UTMB challenge done [Running Community Report, October 30th 2020]

It was a beautiful late autumn day and I spent it mostly behind the computer :)

At the office, two important tasks needed to be done today. Both had major financial consequences when not finished on time and there was not an option to not finish them.

Luckily, I did both on time and at 3 pm I was able to get out on a long family doggy walk in the forest.

The cover photo was taken during this walk as well as this panorama.

After the walk, it was dark already. I took my headlamp, changed into the running gear, and went into the forest again.

The goal was to reach 13.2 effective kilometers. The plan was to run slowly on the trail and take every climb available.

In the end, I was very satisfied with the outcome. I think that the profile below tells the story quite well.

The map of the run shows my meandering path. First the left ridge, then some asphalt climbs, and at the end the right ridge with two big climbs.

The UTMB challenge, this time it was Valle d'Aosta Challenge was finished one day early.

Now I entered the only available challenge, Thailand By UTMB.

120 effective kilometers in three days. I won't finish it. Yet, it's no harm to participate.

Have a great running weekend!

All the physical activity data that I display in my @exhaust and @actifit reports is gathered with the help of Coros Pace sports watch and displayed with Coros app.

Better and better