Neck Massager - A Gadget Everyone Should Have

If you ask me why I haven't made a post in over a month, I'd have no concrete reason to give you—lethargy, work, stress, block, etc. take a guess.
The other day at work, the Corporate service team called on all departments to come pick up corporate gifts to give to our associates in other firms. One of the items that was given to us was a pretty cool neck massager. Ideally, we weren't supposed to take any, but I have a great boss, :). I was stuck in a conundrum between picking a fruit blender and this neck massager. I had earlier chosen the blender, but my neck muscles reminded me that I might need to rethink my choice, and I can tell you that it was the best decision I could have made.


This device is brilliant. I can tell you that, for the past few days I have been using it, albeit my neck still feels stressed, I have had little to no aches since then. So the pack comes with a patch you plug into the socket area (I forgot to take a photo). It acts as a cupping patch for your skin. The device has an on-and-off switch, with three modes. The three modes depend on the level and speed at which you want the vibration. Be careful with this one though, it stings sometimes; one just has to find the right mode.


Then there is the two metal spots on the inside. So you just have to wear it around your neck, switch it on, put the patch on your back, or wherever, press the on button on the side, and then change the mode until when you're satisfied with the feel.


On the right side is the very important mode button and also the on button. The device is all around very good. For folks like us always looking down and straining our necks to stare at the laptop or summat, this is a useful device to have around. It is easy to carry around, and in fifteen to twenty minutes, your neck feels a lot more relieved each day. I absolutely recommend this bad boy. Thank you for reading. I gotta run now. Bye.
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