¡Torneo Legendario de Smash! (Spoiler, Gané) [ESP/ENG]

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Holii, el domingo fueron los Torneos Especiales de Smash Karts y de League of Legends para celebrar la Semana 20 del programa @playerhive, como yo aún no me he atrevido a descargarle el Lolsito a mi laptop como que aún no sé jugar salvo Wild Rift y a medias, solo me inscribí al torneo de Smash Karts aunque, debo admitir, es un juego con el que tengo una relación amor/odio.

Conocí este juego gracias al programa, al principio me parecía súper interesante pero me iba muy mal y al ser yo tan competitiva, como mal perdedora, no me agradaba tanto jugarlo sola; me gustaba jugar con los muchachos del programa porque es sumamente amistoso y las risas nunca faltan pero cuando estoy yo sola, me estreso y me molesto a niveles descomunales entonces lo dejo solo para las noches de los martes. Me hubiese encantado participar en el torneo de Lol pero todavía no lo he descargado en mi laptop y tampoco tengo un nivel como para participar con gente que tiene AÑOS jugando.


Fueron 5 partidas en total, 3 Free For All y 2 de Sombrero, mi favorito siempre ha sido sombrero pero en esta ocasión me fue fatal, como las dos primeras de Free For All; admito que ya para la última partida estaba resignada, de hecho, no grabé con voz porque no hablé en casi toda la partida, estaba demasiado frustrada y molesta. Me concentré 100% en el juego, tanto que ni siquiera estaba viendo la tabla de posiciones, me concentré en cuidarme las espaldas de mi Mo @ilazramusic como de @bananasfallers porque eran los primeros saboteadores en el torneo.

Me di cuenta de que estaba ganando cuando quedaban 10 segundos para terminar y los nervios me invadieron, obviamente todos estaban buscándome así que yo solo podía huir y rezar para que @stk-g no me superara porque estábamos empatados, al finalizar no sabíamos cómo nombrar al ganador porque los dos teníamos 21 kills y se planteo hacer una partida de nosotros dos para el desempate pero luego se revisaron las veces que nos morimos en partida y al tener menos, me dieron al victoria🎉


Después del torneo de Smash vino el de Lolsito y fue una locura, eran partidas de Aram 1 vs. 1 y ganaba el que consiguiera farmear 100 minions, 1 torre o 2 kilss; las primeras partidas fueron súper rápidas porque los muchachos iban a lo seguro, las kills pero la última sí se tardó un poco más porque los muchachos se la singeniaron; lamentablemente fue la partida que no pudimos ver.


El ganador de la Winner Bracket fue @therealflaws y el de la Losing Bracket fue nuestro pana @thejuls, les recomiendo estar pendiente de sus cuentas porque seguramente subirán sus participaciones pronto.


De verdad que me divertí mucho en este torneo y me siento muy feliz de que este increíble programa, como lo es el Ready Player Hive, esté celebrando su semana 20 y les deseo el mayor de los éxitos, por más Martes de Ready. ¡¡¡ FELICIDADES MUCHACHOS!!!

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Hiii, on Sunday were the Special Tournaments of Smash Karts and League of Legends to celebrate Week 20 of the @playerhive program, as I still haven't dared to download the Lolsito to my laptop as I still don't know how to play except Wild Rift and half-heartedly, I only signed up for the Smash Karts tournament although, I must admit, it is a game with which I have a love/hate relationship.

I knew this game thanks to the show, at the beginning it seemed super interesting but I was doing very badly and being so competitive, as a sore loser, I didn't like playing it alone; I liked playing with the guys from the show because it's extremely friendly and the laughs are never lacking but when I'm by myself, I get stressed and annoyed to enormous levels so I leave it only for Tuesday nights. I would have loved to participate in the Lol tournament but I haven't downloaded it on my laptop yet and I'm not at the level to participate with people who have YEARS of playing.

There were 5 games in total, 3 Free For All and 2 of Hat, my favorite has always been sombrero but this time it was terrible, like the first two of Free For All; I admit that by the last game I was resigned, in fact, I didn't record with voice because I didn't speak in almost all the game, I was too frustrated and annoyed. I was 100% focused on the game, so much so that I wasn't even looking at the leaderboard, I was focused on watching the backs of my Mo @ilazramusic and @bananasfallers because they were the first spoilers in the tournament.

I realized I was winning when there were 10 seconds left to finish and the nerves invaded me, obviously everyone was looking for me so I could only run away and pray that @stk-g didn't overtake me because we were tied, at the end we didn't know how to name the winner because we both had 21 kills and it was proposed to make a game of us two for the tiebreaker but then they reviewed the times we died in game and having less, they gave me the victory🎉

After the Smash tournament came the Lolsito tournament and it was crazy, they were 1 vs. 1 Aram games and the winner was the one who managed to farm 100 minions, 1 tower or 2 kilss; the first games were super fast because the guys were going for sure, the kills but the last one took a little longer because the guys were singeniaron; unfortunately it was the game that we couldn't see.

The winner of the Winner Bracket was @therealflaws and the winner of the Losing Bracket was our friend @thejuls, I recommend you to keep an eye on their accounts because they will surely upload their entries soon.}

I really had a lot of fun in this tournament and I am very happy that this incredible program, Ready Player Hive, is celebrating its 20th week and I wish you the best of success, for more Ready Tuesdays. CONGRATULATIONS GUYS!!!!

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