[ESP][ENG] Mi partida más larga y cardiaca contra sadako 😨🎮 || Dead By Daylight




Vuelvo con una partida de mi juego favorito en este momento: Dead By Dayluight, antes les mostre uno de mis mejores juegos con uno de los asesinos meta del mismo, pero en esta oportunidad traigo una como sobreviviente, estas noches he estado practicando aún más pues de este modo juego con mis amigos, han sido horas buenas de y esta partida en particular fue la mejor para mi.

I'm back with a game of my favorite game at the moment: Dead By Dayluight, before I showed you one of my best games with one of the meta killers of it, but this time I bring one as a survivor, these nights I've been practicing even more because in this way I play with my friends, have been good hours of and this particular game was the best for me.

Nos toco con el último killer que agregaron los devs al juego, si has visto la pelicula de el aro seguro lo reconoceras facilmente, como te imaginas su poder especial es teletransportarse mediante televisores que se distribuyen de forma aleatoria por todo el mapa, nos toco uno bastante pequeño por lo cual el asesino tiene un muy buen control, alguien que conozca bien sus mecanicas puede hacer que la ronda sea pan comido.

We played with the last killer that the devs added to the game, if you have seen the movie of the ring sure you will recognize him easily, as you can imagine his special power is to teleport through televisions that are distributed randomly throughout the map, we played a fairly small one so the killer has a very good control, someone who knows his mechanics well can make the round a piece of cake.




No fue el caso de este asesino, pudo ejercer presión jugando sucio... Bueno, realmente solo rompe reglas imaginarias que se han creado a lo largo del tiempo para hacer del juego algo menos toxico, lo ideal es colgar a algún sobrevivinte y buscar a los demás, este killer inicio la partida campeando al primero que atrapo lo que dio tiempo suficiente de hacerle 3 generadores, sin embargo perdimos a dos muy rapido.

It was not the case of this killer, he was able to exert pressure by playing dirty... Well, it really only breaks imaginary rules that have been created over time to make the game less toxic, the ideal is to hang a survivor and look for the others, this killer started the game championing the first one he caught which gave enough time to make him 3 generators, however we lost two very quickly.




Quedamos solo dos, jugaba con dos amigos y casualmente fueron ellos los que perdieron primero, lo que quiere decir que la otra persona que restaba era un random, en otras palabras no tenia idea de quien era ni de como iba a jugar la partida, para mi suerte lo hizo excelente, yo logre adelantar el motor hasta la mitad y luego distraje a sadako logrando que el random lograra llegar al 90% del motor, entre tantas vueltas termine perdiendolo, lo que provoco que encontrara al random y no se terminara el motor.

We were only two, I played with two friends and coincidentally they were the ones who lost first, which means that the other person who remained was a random, in other words I had no idea who he was or how he was going to play the game, for my luck he did excellent, I managed to advance the engine to the middle and then distracted sadako making the random managed to reach 90% of the engine, among so many laps I ended up losing him, which caused me to find the random and not finish the engine.




Al final no pude hacer nada por salvar de su ultimo cuelgue, y opte por no terminar el motor ya que solo serviria para revelar mi posición, deje todo e intente encontrar la trampilla que spawmea en el mapa unicamente cuando queda solo un sobreviviente, en este punto lo mejor es esconderse e intentar encontrarla antes de que el asesinop la cierre, ¿qué sucedio al final?, bueno, la respuesta esta en el video.

We were only two, I played with two friends and coincidentally they were the ones who lost first, which means that the other person who remained was a random, in other words I had no idea who he was or how he was going to play the game, for my luck he did excellent, I managed to advance the engine to the middle and then distracted sadako making the random managed to reach 90% of the engine, among so many laps I ended up losing him, which caused me to find the random and not finish the engine.


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