Through the door to the Duat - Assasin's Creed Origins - The Curse of the Pharaohs


Han pasado días desde que empece a investigar los hechos que estaban sucediendo en la ciudad de Tebas, aun cuando me había topado varias veces con este ente al cual llamaban maldiciones de los faraones, los cuales se me hacía imposible vencer y siempre se desvanecían, sin daño, luego de gastar mi arsenal de flechas y bombas de fuego, decidí buscar, por otra parte, y no había mejor lugar que adentrarme en las calles en busca de vendedores, pues todo este caos había llegado a la ciudad después de que se robara un artefacto de una tumba misteriosa.

It has been days since I began to investigate the events that were happening in the city of Thebes, even though I had encountered several times with this entity which was called curses of the pharaohs, which was impossible to beat and always vanished, without damage, After expending my arsenal of arrows and fire bombs, I decided to look elsewhere, and there was no better place than to go into the streets in search of vendors, because all this chaos had come to the city after an artifact was stolen from a mysterious tomb.

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Después de charlar con varios residentes, me topé con unos vendedores de baratijas, quienes tenían una pista sobre lo que buscaba, no fue barata la información y, aunque intentaron timarme, actuando de forma pacífica, termine encontrando información a las malas, esto me llevo con una mujer, quien había obtenido una invitación, luego de ayudarla contra unos soldados que querían asesinarla, puesto que le había hecho trampa en una apuesta, decidió cederme la invitación, todo apuntaba a este artefacto, el cual se subastaría entre ladrones en un paraje a las afueras, sin dudarlo decidí acechar el sitio con la esperanza de toparme con estos saqueadores, mi meta era tratar de devolver el artefacto a la tumba donde lo habían robado, pero sorpresa para mí, al llegar al sitio solo quedaban escombros, sangre y unos cuerpos, este rastro que seguía simplemente se desvanecía, pero era algo que no me podía permitir, aún me negaba a creer en maldiciones y entes sobrenaturales.

After chatting with several residents, I ran into some trinket sellers, who had a clue about what I was looking for, it was not cheap information and, although they tried to scam me, acting peacefully, I ended up finding information the hard way, this led me to a woman, who had obtained an invitation, after helping her against some soldiers who wanted to kill her, since I had cheated her in a bet, she decided to give me the invitation, Everything pointed to this artifact, which would be auctioned among thieves in a place on the outskirts, without hesitation I decided to stalk the site in the hope of running into these looters, my goal was to try to return the artifact to the tomb where they had stolen it, but surprise for me, when I reached the site there was only rubble, blood and some bodies, this trail that followed just faded, but it was something I could not allow myself, I still refused to believe in curses and supernatural entities.

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Todo apuntaba que debía llegar a esas tumbas saqueadas, lo que decidí hacer, luego de llegar a ellas me tope con la sorpresa de que estos saqueos los estaban realizando los mismos soldados por órdenes de los romanos, las reliquias robadas eran vendidas, pero habían desatado un mal que no podían controlar, decidí esconderme en las sombras como un buen asesino y los fui eliminando uno a uno, para poder colarme dentro de la primera tumba, el Templo de Hatshepsut, rescatando a unos mercaderes que estaban apresados allí, logre ponerme de nuevo en mi búsqueda, la cual me llevo a una pequeña madriguera donde se encontraba este mercader que me recibió la primera vez que llegue a la ciudad, luego de persuadirlo por las malas para que me entregara el artefacto, algo que hizo sin dudar, me contó que debía devolverlo, algo que ya sospechaba, dándome los detalles del sitio de donde lo habían robado, me dispuse a llevarlo, esperando que todos estos hechos que estaban sucediendo llegaran a su fin y con el responder mis dudas sobre quienes eran estos supuestos entes malditos que azotaban la ciudad.

Everything pointed out that I had to get to those looted tombs, which I decided to do, after reaching them I was surprised to find that these looting were being carried out by the same soldiers by orders of the Romans, the stolen relics were sold, but they had unleashed an evil that they could not control, I decided to hide in the shadows like a good assassin and I was eliminating them one by one, to be able to sneak into the first tomb, the Temple of Hatshepsut, rescuing some merchants who were imprisoned there, I managed to get back on my search, which took me to a small burrow where I found this merchant who received me the first time I arrived in the city, after persuading him by force to give me the artifact, something he did without hesitation, he told me that I had to return it, something I already suspected, giving me the details of the place where it had been stolen, I set out to take it, hoping that all these events that were happening would come to an end and answer my doubts about who were these supposed cursed entities that plagued the city.

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Mi destino se situaba en la tumba de Nefertiti, así que me adentre en ella, luego de escabullirme por ese inmenso laberinto, buscaba el sitio donde pertenecía este, algo que no encontré, pero mientras más me adentraba, el ambiente se sentía más denso, luego de tanto buscar, encontré el lugar donde yacían los restos de Nefertiti, pero justo atrás de su sarcófago había una grieta en la gran pared de fondo con un resplandor inexplicable, decidí cruzarlo, todo se oscureció y de repente me encontraba en un lugar extraño, se escuchaban susurros a lo lejos en la oscuridad, y el ambiente era tenebroso, luego de dar unos pasos a lo lejos pude ver unas siluetas, suponiendo que eran unos soldados romanos me acerque, pero al levantar la mirada y apuntar con mi arco lo que vi me sorprendió tanto que simplemente decidí dar la vuelta y regresar por donde había entrado, simplemente lo que habían visto mis ojos era inexplicable, creo que al final simplemente debo armarme de valor y continuar para poder al fin dar sentido a todo esto.

My destination was located in the tomb of Nefertiti, so I went into it, after sneaking through that immense labyrinth, I was looking for the place where it belonged, something I did not find, but the more I went into it, the denser the atmosphere felt, after so much searching, I found the place where Nefertiti's remains lay, but just behind her sarcophagus there was a crack in the great back wall with an inexplicable glow, I decided to cross it, everything went dark and suddenly I found myself in a strange place, I could hear whispers in the distance in the darkness, and the atmosphere was dark, after taking a few steps in the distance I could see some silhouettes, assuming that they were Roman soldiers I approached, but when I looked up and pointed my bow what I saw surprised me so much that I simply decided to turn around and go back where I had entered, simply what my eyes had seen was inexplicable, I think that in the end I just have to gather my courage and continue to finally make sense of all this.

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Everything in this publication is not faithful to the content of the game, they are words captured from the perception of the story through my eyes.

Los Tejos

Sin más dilación me despido amigos, hasta la próxima.

Without further ado I say goodbye friends, until next time.

All image captures were taken by me.

Text translated with Deepl and image edited with Canva

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