
The anunnaki eloheem are black extraterrestrials, the men love rocking dreadlocks and full hair alongside nice beards, they wore ceremonial royal dressing skirts, they were very technologically advanced and still are, they had broad as well as narrow noses which are features black people have, and yes they were extremely eumelanated. They were not reptilians or red haired or all of the rubbish you said, go do your research and they originated from the Dereka Galaxy (undiscovered by your neanderthàl scientists as of yet), the anunnaki have a homeworld on planet rizq in a trisolar system belonging to the 19th Illyuwn galaxy. They first came to a planet in our young solar system millions of years ago, they then left, a war broke out on planet rizq(planet rizq has three large containers named Zarantu, Darnuriyya and Kusmusta) that blew their ozone layer and they had to return to retrieve gold particles to shield their ozone layer, that was their second return to this system, in which they came with nibiru, nibiru(btw we have many nibirus) is approximately 63,408 miles in diameter with a circumference of about 510,000 miles. In 25920 years nibiru travels 155,520,000,000,000,000(one hundred and Fifty five quadrillion, five hundred and twenty trillion miles) at the speed of light. Enki also known as enqi/EA was incharge of that fleet of the nibiru that approached this solar system. Nibiru caused great cataclysms accidentally, one of which was the destruction of planet maldek in between mars and Jupiter which created the asteroid belt you know today. Enki is ANU'S son whom he bore from a marriage with Iyd (enkis mum), ANU'S father is Anshar, Anshars Father is Sal. Anu( 𒀭) is Alyun Alyun El, better known as The Most High and it is a great prestigious position that is elected on every 9 Galactic Cycles(1 Galactic cycle is 360 million earth years). They created the First Man whom is Black, his name was Zakar or Kadmon or Adam and it's his face that's on Cydonia,mars.The Anunnaki also used Ba'abs(star gates) to travel to different destinations instantaneously, instead of waiting earth minutes or hours to travel while in their Faster than Light Speed Crafts The MUKHLASIYNA (144000) Elect that shall serve by Yashu'a (the 23rd of the 24 Galactic Elders)The Mukhlasiyna will literally be taken offworld from Tiamat where the 144000 shall school in different star systems and learn from different beings, go through some genetic modifiens to gain back abilities, interact with the Star family and different Extraterrestrials in a 1000 year training where galaxies vibrate faster and then returned in one day The Return of the Anunnaki will spell a beautiful day for the righteous and a grim day for the unrighteous. All Praises to The Most High ANU 𒀭.

Eloheem Are Not Little, Fat, Nude People With Wings. This Is How The Painter/Sculptor Michaelangelo Meaning The "Angel Michael" Depicted Their Image. He Has Made The Image Of Caucasian Angels With Wings Because Long Before Him In Egypt There Were Beings Who Had Wings, And That Image Had To Be Changed Just Like The Image Of Cleopatra. So He Changed This Image By First Of All Painting A Mural Of "God And His Angels" Called "God Created Man" On The Ceiling Of The Sistine Cathedral In Rome Which Gives People The Sense Of Looking Upwards To The Sky For Their Creator. Then Having You Pray To This Caucasian Man And His Helpers With Wings. So Now Everyone Thinks That "God" Is A Caucasian Man, And Angels Are Caucasians Beings With Wings.
However, In Actuality, Eloheem (Angels) Are Simple Electro-Magnetic Currents(Higher Dimensional Beings-Those that Ascended) From Other Galaxies Who Came As Spiritual Contacts From The Most High. However, They May Appear In Human Form Or In Spiritual Form, Yet They Are Etherians. When An Eloheem Takes On A Human Body They Are Called Ilahu Mutajassi(اله متجسد) In Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) The Word Jassid (جسد) Means "Solid
Body" Which Is Similar To The Jismun (جسم) Or "Physical Body". When You Add The Prefix Muta To A Word It Means "Very" And Then You Put The Word Ilahu (إله‎) Which Means "One Who Is Very Divine", You Have More Than Just A Body. It Is Changed Divinely. This Means The Power Of ELYahuwa Is Working Through This Body.
There Are Etherians, And Eloheem That Incarnate And Appear As Man, But AreAlso Ilahu Mutajassid ((اله متجسد), Which Are Often Times Called Avatars(Re-Member Dimensional Physics, if you as a 3rd density being see being vibrating above the 6th density they exist as pure energy/light electromagnetic current) Anunnaki take forms from the 3rd density all the way to the 9th density(The Level of The Ascended Masters-The Galactic Elders).Sometimes They Are Called Heavenly Hosts, Extra-Terrestrial Beings, Celestial-Beings, Or Beings From Other Galaxies (Intergalactic Beings).

The Idea Of Eloheem Coming Down As Men Is Not Something I Made Up(Miyka'El Speaking)! Don't Believe Me Check It Out For Yourself. The Rabbinical Leaders Know, The Priests And Preachers Know. All Of Your Religious Leaders Know, That The Eloheem Appeared On Earth As Men To Many People. It Is Right In Your Bible, However, They Want You To Believe That Eloheem Are Spooks. If The Eloheem Are Supposed To Be Spooks Or Spirits Like People Think They Are, What Would They Know About Blood (Koran 2:30), Which Is A Physical Thing. According To Your Spookism Doctrine, Spooks Don't Bleed. Blood Is Called The Life Stream Of The Human Body And Is Composed Of Four Main Parts: Plasma, Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells And Platelets. Pfasma Is The Liquid Part Of The Blood.
An Important Point To Remember Is That Agreeable And Disagreeable Forces
Incarnate Into Your Realm, That Means There Are Two Classes Of Eloheem,
Serapheem And Cherubeem And From Them Are Many Degrees. The First
Class Serapheem (سرافیم) Are Those That Were Created From The Reflection Of El Eloh, They Are Of The Pure Green Essence Of Light Called "Nuwr" (نور).The Serapheem Possess 180 Degrees Of Positive Or Agreeable.We Are: 1.) Masters - Elders or Scientists Who Come To This Planet For Specific Reasons At Specific Times. We Have Been Studying You And Your Planet For Many Years. We Number 24 In All.
The 24th Is The Special Seat. The Twenty Fourth Seat Is Open To All Newsbearers. These Beings That Are Here In This Realm Are Masters Or Elders Who Have Come From Other Galaxies. They Have Come Here For The Sole Purpose Of Gathering The Children Of The Eloheem. And Restoring Them Back To That Pure State From Which They Came. Secondly, The Arch Eloheem Are Serapheem That Frequently Visit The Earth. There Are Seven Arch Eloheem/Arch Angels as most of you would term. The Seven Arch Eloheem are

  1. Miyka'El(Murdoq)--19th Elder
  2. Gabriy'El/Hani'El (Nusqu)-8th Elder
  3. Uri'El/Kalka'El (Rudwaan)-18th Elder
  4. Rikbi'El/Rapha'El-16th Elder
  5. Zazagu'El/Izraa'El (Enki)-22nd Elder
  6. Yuhu'El/Uzzi'El (Jahuil)-10th Elder
  7. Zemar'El/Saraqa'El/Suri'El(Enlil)-20th Elder.

The Second Class Of Eloheem Are Cherubeem (.(כרובים). They Were Created From The Lesser Light, Which Is A Reflection Of The Amber Color Light Called "Naar" Or "Smokeless Fire". They Possess 180 Degrees Of Negative Or Disagreeableness. These Disagreeable Beings Are From The Star Constellation Called Orion(1344 light years or 8,064,000,000,000,000(eight quadrillion, sixty four trillion) miles from Tiamat/Earth). In Aramic (Hebrew), The Name Orion, Kesiyl (כסול) Means "Giants Of Heaven" Or Jabaariyn. You Will Find That The Ashuric/Syriac (Arabic) For This Constellation Also Means "Giant" Ghibbore (גבור). These are Agreeable Jabaariyn And Disagreeable Jabaariyn, The Disagreeable Jabaariyn Come From This Star Constellation Which Is Noted For Six Major Stars. One Of
The Major Stars Is Named Betelgeuse(642.5 light years or 3,855,000,000,000,000(three quadrillion, eight hundred and fifty five trillion) miles from Tiamat/Earth) Which Is Another Name For Satan.
Some Of These Fallen Eloheem Repented And Served The Sustainer And Now Guard The Gates Of Paradise. There Are Five Major Classes Of Cherubeem. The Groups Of Cherubeem Are:These are Extraterrestrial and Extra dimensional Beings

  1. Jaan (جان) - Father Of The Jinn. They Are The Vice-Masters Of The Jinns From Aldebaran, Which Is Located In The Taurus Constellation(600 light years or 3,600,000,000,000,000(three quadrillion, six hundred trillion) miles from Tiamat/Earth).
  2. Jinniya (جنيه) - They Are Female Malevolent Demon, Seductress, Whores, Witches And They Are Also From The Aldebaran Constellation(65 light years or 390,000,000,000,000(three hundred and ninety trillion) miles from Tiamat/Earth).
  3. Shaytaan (شیطان) - They Are The Physical Race Of Malevolent Beings From Pleiades(444.2 light years or 2,665,200,000,000,000(two quadrillion, six hundred and sixty five trillion, two hundred billion) miles from Tiamat/Earth), The Seven Star Constellation And Arcturus(36.66 light years or 219,960,000,000,000(two hundred and nineteen trillion, nine hundred and sixty billion) miles from Tiamat).
  4. Maarid (مارد) - They Are The Most Powerful, Vicious And Most Rebellious Class Of Malevolent Beings. They Are Also Known As Greys/Rumardians.
  5. Writ (افریت) - A Class Of Very Powerful And Vicious Giants, Who Are Also Called Reptilians.
  6. Aghwal (اغول) - Ghoul Demon
  7. Jinn (جن‎) - Evil Demon

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