#PizzaGate Part 24: Misleading ‘PizzaGate’ vs. ‘Fake News’ Google Search Trends + Gematria

In #PizzaGate Part 24 I go over an extensive analyze of the Google Search Trends data for the phrases “pizzagate” and “fake news” to show how the charts given are actually very misleading, as compared with what I deem as more reliable data coming from the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. The Google Search Trends data shows that, besides the initial peak in pizzagate searches, “fake news” is trending much higher than pizzagate.

First off it is important to note that Google Search Trends actually presents a semi-broad search trend in that phrases that include the given term, such as “CNN Fake News” or “Voat PizzaGate”. But in the video I show that these longer phrases actually make up a very small percentage of the total searches, besides a few short time periods, and thus the Google Search Trends data should be representing more or less the exact “pizzagate” and “fake news” search terms, or at least supposed to represent that.

To double check how accurate the Google Search Trends are, I compared them with Google’s AdWords Keyword Planner, which is the main search tool used by Advertisers. Since Advertisers spends BILLIONS through AdWords, it is reasonable to assume that the AdWords Keyword tool should be leaned on for any discrepancies that may arise with the Google Search Trends tool. The AdWords data suggests that “fake news” and “pizzagate” are searched similarily in recent months, but the initial peak in “pizzagate” was MUCH higher than the Search Trends data, with 1.8 million searches in both November and December!

Since the AdWords data are collected differently from the relative volume search of the Search Trends tool, I argue that matching the data along the recent months for the “pizzagate” searches would be the most accurate because the related queries are extremely small during these periods. The results better show how the “fake news” Search Trends data appear to not align with the AdWords data.

It is my view that it is unlikely that the differences in the search data between AdWords and Google Search Trends is just an unintentional consequence of Google’s (confusing) algorithms being used. Nonetheless, more data and comparisons with other queries and 3rd party search tools are needed before I can confirm any “intent”, which could possibly be to allude to the public that “pizzagate” is just another fringe conspiracy. Also interesting is that there is no discrepancy between the two datasets for before November 2016, which both show very little searches for “fake news” and “pizzagate”, which further illustrate to my hypothesis that “fake news” was a propaganda campaign used to discredit “pizzagate”.

Also in this video I talk briefly about Antifa and BAMB’s connection to the pro-pedophilia group NAMBLA, James Comey’s possibly shady background, even more YouTube censorship, and the VERY interesting Sumerian Gematria calculations of “PizzaGate” = 666 = “Mark Of Beast” and “Emmanuel Macron” = 888 = “Donald J. Trump”…. #TheRabbitHoleDeepens

Stay Tuned For #PizzaGate Part 25…

Download the notes in my video:

PDF Notes: https://1drv.ms/b/s!As32ynv0LoaIhvNiEJV4SaZonKjrbA
Excel File: https://1drv.ms/x/s!As32ynv0LoaIhvMM_1yyCW4miBpteQ"

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