Wear a hat if $hit hits the fan 😁 a.k.a. Funny bird pics showing ways to deal with a crisis...

These funny birds show us - Oh yes - Sky falls. $hit happens. It happens to us all. What is important is how we deal with it!!

@nelinoeva's challenge for funny pics sent me delving in my clicks. I found some and I also found a story that they tell...

We all are familiar with our own reactions when things start going wrong... Birds have there own ways ...

  • What to do when $hit hits the fan ... Wear an ORGANIC hat

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This mottled wood owl thinks the best way is to hide and protect oneself. If $hit has hit the fan then it is going to be splashing all over. So - it actually makes sense to wear a hat - doesn't it? Wear an ORGANIC one made of leaves. Bio-degradable and environment friendly!!🤣

  • Walk away from trouble - dignifiedly

This peregrine falcon seems to think we need not face off if trouble comes looking. We can shrug, decide not to engage and walk away - in a very dignified manner. Like a warrior who refuses to engage in useless mayhem. Dignified walk is important, mind you. Otherwise one can look like a coward!!!


Note that it is important to hold your shoulders high and have a stern expression while you walk away!

  • No mercy, it's the way of the fist

It does not always help to hide or walk away. Sometimes, we have to be a man (or a woman) and face things head on. Like the line in the song by Five Finger Death Punch, we have to say "No mercy, it's the way of the fist"

This is exactly what this Common Kesterel seems to think...

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See my fist? Bring it on!!

  • Let $hit go !!

Well - whatever way you choose to deal with it, finally we can not let the $hit ruin rest of our lives. We have to take things in, process and let it go. Get rid of it!

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Hanging on to the memory of the crisis and pitying oneself just makes matters worse. So - let it go - like this Kingfisher!

That is all I have to say today. I had lots of fun trying to sense a story in each of these images. I love all of them but as per rules, I have to choose one as my entry for the #SMaP contest. So, the ORGANIC hat owl pic in it's original form below is my entry for the #SMaP 130 contest

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What do you think? Do you like the pics and agree on my views 😀? Please feel free to share your comments and opinions.

A big thank you for support

Thanks to c/hive-106444 (Feathered friends community) for providing this wonderful opportunity to present my experience and photographs. Thanks to @barbara-orenya and @melinda010100 for all the support and encouragement to this community. Special thanks to @nelinoeva also for the wonderful contest and Author of the week initiatives.

Thanks to HIVE for this wonderful platform. Thanks also to @adalger and @dna.org for encouraging me by recognizing some of my posts as worthy of Densifying nature project.
Further, thanks to Amazing nature community for welcoming me and showing me their love on some of my posts.

Note: All images and collages in this blog are created by me, based on photos clicked by me personally and/or free vector images from Pixabay. Any other sources, if used, are indicated as image credits below the picture.
Quotes used, if not credited, are either from unknown authors or are proverbial old sayings.

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