Sublime First Sunday of Summer

Hello feathered friends
Today Sunday we have visited the park first thing in the morning.
Lord Turkey has greeted us.
-Hello, is it Sunday?
-It's Sunday?

Hola amigos emplumados.

Hoy domingo hemos visitado el parque a primera hora.
El Señor Pavo nos ha saludado.
-¿Hola es domingo?
-¿Es domingo?

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She only knows how to repeat that and she looks at us


Solo sabe repetir eso y nos mira

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When we say it's a beautiful Sunday.
The first day of summer....

Cuando le decimos que es un domingo bonito.

El primer día de verano....

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He has stretched his neck and started to walk.

Ha estirado el cuello y se ha puesto a caminar.

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He gave us this precious moment when he was enjoying the first Sunday of summer

Nos ha regalado este precioso momento cuando disfrutaba del primer domingo del verano

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Then he groomed his feathers

Luego se acicaló las plumas

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He looked at us and wished us a nice summer

Nos miró y nos deseó bonito verano

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Canon PowerShot SX730

entry is for:
#featheredfriends by @melinda010100.
#beautifulsunday by @ace108
#SublimeSunday by @c0ff33a
Image © txatxy. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by Original content by @txatxy



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