Last of the Redwings

I finally got around to processing the last of the redwings and some other birds.

These guys are all gone now that winter is here. I bet the are basking in Florida sun by now.

The lake near my house is a popular place for the red winged blackbirds to nest. The males like to dive bomb you as you walk by. They are very territorial.

They always belt out loud beeps and shrills to show you how agitated they are with you in their territory lol. This guy was mid shriek when I took the photo.

I'll have to wait until spring to see them again. They are always an easy target for my lens since they are so brazen about dive bombing you for being in their territory.

The robins are also gone for winter. This was one of my last shots of one this year in a crab apple tree.

Pie billed grebes often pass through the area during fall. This one hung around the lake for a few days before finally leaving.

These guys are very small and don't like being near the edge of the lake. I hid behind the reeds to let it get closer to me for the shot.

After a few days it didn't consider me a threat anymore and I was able to get many photos of this tiny water bird. Sadly I never actually got a shot of it with a fish in its mouth. Most of the time it was diving looking for crawfish and tiny bluegill.

Now the only birds left around here are house sparrows, mallards and of course Canadian geese. These guys stay around here all year and don't really care about the snow. I'm not sure what they manage to find to eat during winter, I'm guessing just dry grass under the snow.

That's all for now, more Canadian geese soon, hopefully in snow...

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