Who’s Destroying The Hummingbird Feeder?

By the end of May I dusted off the hummingbird feeders, filled them with the portion of 1/4 cup white sugar to full glass of boiled hot water.

Once all sugar was dissolved and the solution cooled, I hung this one in the usual spot on the back deck for the hummingbirds would be back from the South any day with the temperature is getting warmer.

Within a day the little hummers were drinking from it.


This was my best feeder with the red glass and the hummers liked it.


I looked outside the next morning and saw the feeder empty and the little yellow feeder cups all over the deck. After gathering them up I saw they were broken.

I knew the rascal that had drank the water and torn the yellow cups off. Since this feeder was now useless I bought another one.

The next feeder...


The little hummers were happy enough with this new one. The only problem was the ants were able to get inside. I forgot to bring it in one night and found it empty and the glass cracked next morning. The rascal had struck again!

It was off to the store again and this is the present hummingbird feeder. The rascal bandit tearing them apart to get to the sugared water is causing a bit of expense.

I was a bit disappointed because I couldn’t find one with the colored glass. The upside is it is ant proof.


The hummers like this one too and a female hummer is sitting on the clothes line beside the feeder and keeping guard. Hummingbirds can’t walk on their claws and must find something to curl them around, like the clothes line, to stand upright.


This is the devilish masked bandit who’s been wrecking the feeders. The raccoon came by one late afternoon and I was able to get a photo of him. Usually they do their rounds at night checking to see what’s to eat or drink. They are also notorious for opening the lid of garbage cans with their nimble claws.


The male hummingbird is the pretty one with the red on him. This is a photo of the male at a cheap feeder at the front of the house. The bandit never bothers this one. He has expensive taste. :)


Location: Prince Edward Island, Canada.

#featheredfriends is hosted by the lovely @melind010100.

#amazingnature is hosted by @adalger. He’s lovely too.


Animated Banner Created By @zord189

Courtesy of @derangedvisions


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