Wildlife : Birdwatching - 1236 🐦


🦉 The willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus)

📚 Phylloscopus Greek: phyllon foliage, skopos seeker, observer
📚 trochilus trokhilos (Greek) is a small bird mentioned by Aristotle, later identified as "wren", but in Aldrovandus (1599) it is "a kinglet without a tuft"; trokhalos, trokhiscus (Greek) round, oval, curved, spherical; trochilus (lat.) semicircular, curved


This nondescript little bird arrives at the end of April, somewhere around the 20th. First, experienced adult males arrive. They occupy territories and protect them through songs. And the songs of these birds are beautiful, and are somewhat reminiscent of the songs of chaffinches.
These birds are not very afraid of humans, and they are just as easily attracted to the sound. In this case, the bird can even fly in and sit on a branch that is next to you.



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