SMaP 182 - Free Theme (Thrushes)

I would like to say thank you to dear @nelinoeva for this competition. You can find the announcement and rules here.

This week's theme is - FREE THEME
What about thrushes? Autumn is approaching, the time when you can see these birds without any problems.

The fieldfare is the most numerous species that I meet in the forests. With the onset of autumn, they gather in flocks and raid berry bushes, such as rowan or viburnum with crab apples.

Next in numbers are the white-browed thrushes or Redwing. This species is smaller than the previous one, they have a lot of white in their plumage and a distinct red spot under the wings.

I meet Song Thrushes in spring, when they sit on the treetops and sing beautiful melancholic songs. The rest of the time they are not seen or heard. By the way, I also met them in late autumn, which speaks of their resistance to cold.

I've only met a Black-throated thrush once. And that was probably it. They are very similar to fieldfare, maybe I often confused them with them.

Nikon D5200Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD
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