SMaP 164 - Birds and trash bin

I would like to say thank you to dear @nelinoeva for this competition. You can find the announcement and rules here.

This week's theme is - BIRDS AND TRASH BIN

This weekend I went to visit my relatives in a neighboring region. Just came back.
As I have repeatedly said, in their city, rooks and jackdaws are found simply in the courtyards. In my city there are no these birds at all. In the morning, after reading the new announcement of the competition.

I remembered that these birds often offend people near garbage bins. I got ready and went to specifically film it on my phone.

Having found the trash heap, I of course saw them there.

Someone left a piece of bread there, and the oldest and most important rook drove the others away and began to eat it.

He sometimes looked around fussily.

He would peck at the bread, then move away and look around. Apparently he didn’t really want to eat.

And several jackdaws sat nearby and waited for their turn.

Seeing all this, several more birds flew in.

But they had to wait their turn. They have a strict hierarchy.

And jackdaws are smaller in size, so they will eat when all the rooks have eaten.

SamsungGalaxy S24 Ultra

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