Birds in water - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 9

Missed the last one, but back again to this great contest: Birds in water it is! It narrows it a little bit to the aquatic species, but with sooo many different species there´s plenty to choose from in my archives.

One thing I do notice, these contests are sharpening up my will to travel and take more bird photos! Can't wait for the travel restrictions to be lifted!

And for the first photo, a big bird! It's impossible not to recognize them...


Greater flamingo / Flamingo comum (PT) - Phoenicopterus roseus

Flamingos can be easily found in wetlands in center/southern Portugal, and a few years back, nesting was even confirmed in Algarve, the region where this photos were taken. There was a huge flock here, feeding near salt mines in Castro Marim.


They're amazingly elegant, and their long legs are helpful in wandering in deeper waters than most other aquatic birds.

Speaking of elegant, this next species share the same quality. This species also exists in my home country, but changing from Portugal to Hungary; these are probably my favourite swan photos:


Mute swan / Cisne mudo (PT) - Cycnus olor

How romantic is the setting for this couple? Mute swans are monogamic, and mate for life; this couple was swimming at sunset near Tihany, a small village near lake Balaton.


This was the perfect end to a day of hiking and photography, where I actually saw some species for the first time. The cherry on top of the cake would be not to starve until next day, since I found out later that due to being a mainly touristic destination (and me travelling off-peak), there was hardly anything open... and not a single restaurant/place open to buy food when I decided to leave the guesthouse to eat! 🤣

Oh well, travel histories! Leaving ramblings behind, off to more birds, and more countries! Sri lanka this time.

This is one of those species that I haven't been able to identify; but the duck looked so graceful swimming, that I had to include it on this post.


And in the same pond, another aquatic species; but this one easier to identify:


White breasted waterhen - Amaurornis phoenicurus

Water hens are medium sized birds that are commonly found in marshes; they have short tails and long legs and feet, well adapted to forage through water plants and muddy water. This species only exists in Asia, and has a few subspecies.

And for a "cousin" species (although this one from a different family), let's go to another country: Costa Rica!


Northern Jacana - Jacana spinosa

I know, a lot of green, but this was aquatic vegetation, there's water in the photo as well if you look closely! 😁

These birds have amazing colours, but given their feeding habits and habitat they're sometimes hard to see! I have to thank the sharp eyes of our guide for being able to spot it.

And that's it for this post; can't wait to see your entries!

Happy birding everyone!


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