Ugly weather and beautiful things!

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A beautiful Cotyledon succulent greeted us upon arrival.
It's that mountain backdrop that I love!

We are told that temperatures will drop to 12 degrees Celsius tomorrow and that we can expect gale force winds, rain storms and also snow on the mountains. As we saw this lot coming in today, we decided to pop out to the mountains and to go and see what shots I can get!
Come with for a quick drive!


Clouds being whipped across the mountains by very strong winds!


I came for the clouds and this one above is a continuation of the first picture. The view is towards the North!


This is what the view towards the South looked like!


This Cotyledon succulent greeted us on the way out!

And then something amazing happened!


Whilst driving, I slammed on the brakes, as I saw a movement in this farmland next to the road!
Have a careful look at the picture above and see if you can see something in the first row passage at the right.
About 10 vine stems in from the first one!


Bang! This is a "Spotted Thick Knee. A very secretive bird that is seldom seen!
The thing is that these birds sleep in the day and they hunt for food at night. I think that they know that the rain is coming and they have to find a daytime shelter!


Bonus! Here is another one and in total there was 3 of them, but I was standing with the car in the road and there was no time to get a shot of the third one!

"Burhinus capensis"
"A tall, tawny-brown, terrestrial, plover-like bird with bold, blackish spots on the upperparts and without wing bars. It prefers a variety of drier country habitats up to 2500 m; avoids wetlands. Its huge yellow eyes hint at its mainly nocturnal habits. By day this odd species uses its cryptic plumage to conceal itself under cover. After dark, it emerges to run around feeding on insects. Spotted Thick-knee has a loud, distinctive “ti-ti-ti teeeteeeteeee-ti ti ti” call.


Oh! And of course when we got home we opened the door and someone rushed in behind us to come and greet us!

They say that I am a strange kettle of fish hahaha.
People are wrapping up and the talk of the town is hot fires, hot chocolate drinks and other hot stuff.
But here we are out every day regardless of the temperatures and we just go about doing our thing.

Sadly people are people and some have reported us for feeding the Egyptian geese and the squirrels, but no action can be taken as we own the property and we are not renting. Why anyone would complain about it, only heaven knows. We have even received complaints about feeding the street people and we know that the world is a very dour place for some complainants.

But such is life and we simply go along our merry way, casting no stones at others and simply minding our own business.

And That's All Folks!

Note: All photos are my own and unedited, only cropped for uploading.
Camera used: Canon Powershot SX60HS

We hope that you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity


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