I can't believe I met this quiet guy!

Hello everyone, how you doing? I've had some very problematic days with my health, there is a heat wave in South America, and the truth is that it is difficult to spend the days with this terrible heat. You have to stay indoors, hydrated and cool. Today luckily I was feeling better, after a small but powerful rain that brought us the night.

¡Hola a todos!, ¿Cómo están?, yo he tenido unos días muy problemáticos de salud, hay una ola de calor en Sudamerica, y la verdad es que es difícil pasar los días con este terrible calor. Hay que mantenerse en interiores, hidratado y fresco. Hoy por suerte me encontraba mejor, luego de una pequeña pero potente lluvia que nos trajo la noche.

I took advantage of the rain to take a look at the orchard, the snails I take care of, and other things. Taking advantage of this, I took the camera with me. I was lucky that I did.

Aproveché que llovía para fijarme en el huerto, los caracoles que cuido, y demás cosas. Aprovechando que hacía esto, llevé la cámara. Qué suerte que lo hice.

I looked up at the beautiful tree that always brings me beautiful bird visits, and there I saw it. So still, as if it were a statue. At first I didn't think it was a bird, I thought it was a kitten taking refuge.

Miraba para arriba, al arbol tan lindo que siempre me brinda hermosas visitas de aves, y ahí lo vi. Tan quieto, como si fuera una estatua. Al principio no pensé que fuera un ave, creí que era un gatito refugiándose.

I started to make little noises quietly, just to get its attention without scaring it, until I realized that it didn't want to open its eyes, since I was making enough noise for any species to detect me.

Comencé a hacer ruiditos por lo bajo, sólo para llamar su atención sin asustarlo, hasta que me di cuenta de que no quería abrir sus ojos. ya que estaba haciendo el ruido suficiente como para que cualquier especie me detecte.

Was it resting very safely, or was its way of camouflaging itself?

¿Estaba descansando muy seguro, o era su forma de camuflarse?

Finally it wanted to open its eyes, although it did not move an inch. I was relieved to know that everything was in order, and at the same time I was amazed to see such a species.

Finalmente quiso abrir sus ojos, aunque no se moviera un centimetro. Me quedé por un lado tranquila de saber que todo estaba en orden, y a la vez maravillada de ver semejante especie.

Common Name/ Nombre común

Scissor tailed nighjar / Atajacaminos tijera, chotacabras tijereta

Scientific name / Nombre científico:

-Hydropsalis torquata

It's a bird that varies in size, with the male measuring 60 cm and the female half that size, 30 cm. This is due to the long scissor-shaped tail of the male. It has a grayish-brown plumage in white, cinnamon and black.

Es un ave que varía en tamaño, siendo el macho de 60 cm y la hembra de la mitad de su tamaño, 30 cm. Esto se debe a la extensa cola en forma de tijera que presenta el macho. Tiene un plumaje pardo grisáceo en blanco, canela y negro.

This is the first time I have seen this species, the area usually has birds such as owls present, but I have never seen this type of nocturnal bird.

Es la primera vez que veo esta especie, la zona suele tener presentes aves como buhos y lechuzas, pero nunca vi este tipo de ave nocturna.

I apologize for only presenting these three photos, I was so surprised that I kept looking at it. I managed to get these photos before my dogs started a commotion and I was alarmed to get them under control, so they wouldn't scare this beautiful little friend.

Me disculpo por solamente presentar estas tres fotos, estaba tan sorprendida que me la pasé observándolo. Logré obtener estas fotos antes de que mis perros comenzaran el alboroto y yo me alarmara por controlarlos, para que no asusten a este hermoso amiguito.

This post is shorter than the rest, but my excitement is a thousand times greater than the rest. I found it fascinating to have seen this bird resting in the tree, camouflaging itself.

Este post es mas corto que el resto, pero mi emoción puedo jugarles que es mil veces mayor. Me pareció fascinante haber visto a esta ave descansando en el arbol, camuflándose.

I hope you like it, if so let me know by giving me your support button, and commenting what you think. I'll say goodbye and hold on until the temperature drops a bit. Take care, this way I say bye!

Espero que les guste, si es así haganmelo saber dando su botón de apoyo, y comentando qué les parece. Yo me despido y resisto hasta que baje un poco la temperatura. Cuidense, yo me despido por aqui!


Instagram: @ ori_kkot / @ psykkot - (SFX)
Images taken with Fujifilm Finepix s700 camera.
Separators made in Canva.
Scientific data such as Latin names and height description extracted from the application "Aves Argentinas" approved by the Culture Ministry of the Nation.

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