Tap dancers try to get their seeds in the deep snow


There has been a lot of snow this winter. Winter cold is exacerbated by constant significant winds. The weather outside is very uncomfortable. Birds are having a hard time finding food. Especially bad for small birds. Deep loose snow often does not give them the opportunity to collect their food from the snow. Today I was at the edge of the forest. There are many different plants that have many seeds. In this place, various birds always gather, which feed on the seeds of plants.


Today I saw a few tap dancers. It was very difficult for these little birds. Moving on loose snow was not at all easy for them. They sank into the snow up to their torso. Collecting seeds in the snow was not at all easy. Therefore, they tried to sit on the branches of plants and there they tried to find seeds for food.


There was a strong wind and the tap dancers had to balance on the branches so as not to fall. Sometimes they were forced to hold on to branches with their beaks. It is good that there were many bushes in this place and the wind did not weaken much.


But it was very difficult for them to pick up fallen seeds from the snow. It is good that in some places the snow was compressed and these small birds were light in weight and could, at least not much, move along the surface of the snow cover to collect seeds.


Из-за мороза и сильного ветра им было холодно и чечётки распушили свои пёрышки и выглядели маленькими серенькими комочками. Но так им было теплее и они согревались передвигаясь по снегу.


Of course, it was better for them to sit on the branches. But unfortunately a lot of seeds from the wind fell on the snow. Therefore, the tap dancers had to collect them in the snow to satisfy their hunger.


It is good that in this place there were still seeds on the branches. The seeds didn't fall off. So it was very good for tap dancers. I think that soon the snow will be compacted and they will freely jump on it. This will enable them to fly here every day to search for food.

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