Avians in Benalmadena

In Benalmadena, there is a Parque La Paloma, or Park of the Doves. In the park, besides plants – trees and flowers, you will find there are pigeons, doves, and other animals too.

Most of the following avians are residents of the ‘Park of the Doves’.

I spotted this couple of pigeons in the park. It looked like one was trying to pacify the other. It’s so cute.

Pigeons in the tree. You would want to be careful less something not very pleasant drops on you.

Some liked it hot. Pigeons sunbathing.

Some, like this duck, enjoyed a swim in the water.

A green parrot. They are quite noisy birds.

A young seagull.

Another seagull up in the town center. I have no way of telling if they were the same bird. Apparently, as the seagulls grow, their feathers changed to white colour.

These ring-neck doves were ‘captured’ when they were wandering outside a restaurant in the town center. I guess it is easier to find scraps of food here than having to hunt.



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