Young Feathered Friends

This is this time of the year when the young birds are our of their nests. Well, not all of them, some still stay in their cosy nests, but would you like to see through my lens what I found recently during my walks in the local park and woods and around my working place? Where to start from? Let me show you first the young woodpeckers, to start with the Syrian woodpecker.

My idea was, after having lunch to steal some minutes from the break and to make some shots of the flowers that my colleague was looking after. She uses her lunch breaks to plant flowers and lòoking after her small garden outside the office. And there I heard the squeak, or sort of squeak. Look around and there it was, in a hole on a bare tree just next to the garden.


The light was horrible, midday and the sun above. I wasn't sure this is a baby woodpecker. The holes drilled by woodies more often are taken by other birds, like starlings. However, this one could be the first baby woodpecker I've seen in their own holes.


Definitely woodpecker, despite the bad quality of the pictures. Really disappointed that none was decent. Luckily, half an hour before the end of the working time, there was planned outage. I grabbed the camera and off to see the woodie, but this time the squeak came from another tree. To my surprise the baby bird was big enough to start exploring the world near the nest. Or, was it the same one?



I left the baby bird alone and hope to see it again.


Another young woodpecker I spotted these days was the Green one. I was browsing old photos and I remembered how often last year I was seeing the fledgling. While wondering if this year the Green woodpecker couple succeed to raise their chick and I heard his call like a laughter. Oh, how thrilled I am to see the new generation.



Passing by the school and the tree standing in the yard next to the fence I saw the liitle face poking out the hole - this is the second brood of the starlings.


Starlings occupy the holes made the woodpeckers. Sometimes, like this tree, the holes are few and each one like a separate flat got its inhabitants.


On the rooftop two fuzz balls caught my attention. Mind you, I have never seen so young seagulls. I knew the seagulls used the roofs to nest and I saw one standing next to the chimney everytime I passed by before. So, it is not surprising that they chose this roof for their home.





Near my office we have a colony of house martins. They build their nests at the corners on the facades, near windows and frankly it is messy. But here is a curious face of young birdie.



And I will finish with this young redstart who accidently stopped very close to me.



But no, not the redstart, the last will be the white wagtail.
I could not finish the post in the morning. Using the time while I commute I reached the office and left it. At lunchtime though I went outside for five minutes and happy to snap many shots of adult wagtail, when I saw its chick hopped on the fence.




I was sure the nest is somewhere on the cherry tree. It is big tree along the fence of a small building on the other side of the road. The wagtail is seen very often there, besides I managed a shot when the bird got few big mosquitoes in its beak heading to the tree.

It was two months ago and if you missed my post then, here is the link - Feathered Friday With Wagtail And Swallow

And this is all for now. Hope you enjoyed the gallery of the young birds.

Till next time, happy birding!


banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya


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