Entry to the #SMap round 103 contest a tiny bird with a big beak



Good morning feathered friends! It's been days since I entered social networks until today and I find this beautiful round where it is to show bird beaks, I was moved because I have to confess that the beaks of birds amaze me, seeing them, observing their colors, sizes and Anyway, it makes me think about the years of evolution that there are in each beak of each species, as Mr. Darwing said in his theory of evolution!

I was very indecisive about which photos to put, but in the end I decided on the beak of the hummingbirds, which I admire a lot. Despite being small, nature gave them a huge, long, thin and very resistant beak that in some equals the size of his body, in the tours that I have done during the last year I was able to photograph some, the photos are not very clear because you already know how fast these creatures of nature are hehe.

I hope you admire these small but great beauties that nature has created!


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