Moment In Time Partners

Love The One You With

Valentine's Day bounced off with Birds and Love, link to join at the bottom of content. Now some make relationships last forever, others it's a brief interlude to procreate.


Dark-capped Bulbul - Pycnonotus barbatus

Let's travel back couple of months ago when the meetings take place, sharing space happy together! Once the little ones arrive it's all about feeding no time left to cuddle, does that not sound so familiar?


Blacksmith Lapwing - Vanellus armatus

Good Parenting with Lapwing who will attack when too close to the nest, trying to divert your attention by play acting dead, good couple at raising young! Little Sandpiper below will act dead, or run creating diversion.


Sandpiper Common - Actitis hypoleucos

Each is one of a kind, some dress up others wine and dine, swoop dash dive then pop the question, well birds do much the same.


Cape Turtle-Dove - Streptopelia capicola

Males go out gallantly showing off style, a dance, a song each to their own so long as the lady is happy!


Brown-hooded Kingfisher - Halcyon albiventris

You know the story happy wife, happy life, now that comes down to nest building for some, others assist with sitting on the nest then feeding, each has their own habits following pattern in maternal values that all differ.


Red-winged Starling - Onychognathus morio

Some debate the future bobbing up and down outside my window!


Cape Wagtail - Motacilla capensis

The time for finding a partner happens October to November in the Southern Hemisphere, this time of the year they have little ones to celebrate their seasonal or long-term love for each other.


Black-collared Barbet - Lybius torquatus

Have a great Valentine's day, enjoy life in the moment like a Bird in Love!

BIRD AND LOVE weekly contest with @nelinoeva and Feathered Friends @melinda010100

Stephen Stills - Love The One You're With


All photography is my own. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you. NB: Amateur photographer and bird watcher, keep smiling!

Thought for Today: "It’s much easier to fall in love than to stay in love." - African Proverb

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by @barbara-orenya


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