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Golden-tailed Woodpecker

Brief Encounter Visit

Look who I see about in my tree a Golden-tailed Woodpecker (Campethera abingoni) first time in a spot able to photograph without disturbing my visitor.

Medium in size (20 cm average) the male and female vary slightly on head plumage where the male has a reddish crown compared to females dark crown with red only toward the back of the head.

Upside down checking around..., look at how well we blend into this tree.

Medium in size the male and female vary slightly on head plumage where the male has a reddish crown compared to females dark crown with red only toward the back of the head.

Finding whatever is living in the wounded trees where limbs fall during heavy winds or monkeys land too heavy, something most definitely nutritious in here!

Nimbly moving between the branches searching for insects or grubs which they enjoy, tree also has lichen which does no harm to a tree or rocks we have in the garden, (another interesting story in nature), not sure if they take interest in lichen.

“The Woodpecker” by Emily Dickinson

His bill an auger is,
His head, a cap and frill.
He laboreth at every tree, -
A worm his utmost goal.

Thanks for visiting birds eating in feathered friends photography, entry to #SMAP No. 84 Contest with host @nelinoeva Free Theme

Feathered Friends Community gratitude to @melinda010100 for sponsoring the contest. Our talented artist @barbara-orenya for continious creative support.

All photography is my own. Any queries or requests please drop a comment below or make contact with me, have a wonderful day! Photography without tripod, go with the flow wherever life takes you. NB: Amateur photographer and bird watcher, keep smiling!

Thought for Today: "The best way to catch a bird is not by scaring it away." - African Proverb

How To

by @barbara-orenya