Handsome, important, noble - forest pigeon


Many are accustomed to pigeons that boldly live in the city and are not at all afraid of people. But there are other birds of this kind, with completely different behavior in contrast to the urban ones. These are forest pigeons. At first glance, they have similarities with city pigeons. But if you pay attention, forest pigeons are larger in size than city pigeons and the color of their feathers, although not very much, is noticeably different. But forest pigeons differ even more in their behavior. These are very careful birds. The person is not allowed close. But at the height they sometimes feel safe, unlike forty.

At first this pigeon sat on a branch and did not notice how I approached. But the camera shutter gave me away.

The pigeon first turned its head in one direction, slowly, calmly.

Then he began to turn around in search of the violator of his peace and saw me.

Immediately, not showing interest in my person, he turned his head the other way. He sits on a branch, so nothing threatens him. Many other birds would fly away immediately. So, although the forest pigeon is considered a wary bird, it is afraid of people only when it walks on the ground. So, if you notice a forest pigeon sitting on a tree branch, then you can safely approach and admire it.

Here one gets the impression that the forest pigeon has entered into a conversation with me. In fact, he just yawned indifferently. He pretended to be indifferent to my presence. But I was unable to photograph this moment.

And so he closed his eyes. And I decided to rid the forest pigeon of my presence. Let him rest.

Judging by the expressive coloration of the bird's plumage in my photographs, the forest pigeon is a male. Thank you for admiring this handsome man with.

#bird #birdwatching #ecency #wildlife #animalphotography #nature #neoxian #creativecoin

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