Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 160 Posing as if for a painting beautiful dove / Posando como para un cuadro bella tortolita


This beautiful little dove that was captured on a walk with my daughters after going to the movies, as we headed to PLAZA BOLIVAR, where the children go and feed the pigeons and squirrels, halfway in front of the Congress of Caracas, there was this beautiful little dove who managed to take a beautiful photo there as if she were posing for the photo.

This turtle dove is a bird of the pigeon family, whose scientific name is COLUMBINA TALPACOTI. They tend to be quite fearful so it is very difficult to take a photo of them, I had tried many times but I was never able to take a photo, but if I did, they didn't look very good.

Until I finally manage to take the photo.

This bird is one of the most faithful birds that once they are with a partner they stay together throughout their lives and it was the photo I wanted to take although this photo also looks very pretty.

The male usually has a head that at first glance appears light blue and the female is more sensitive and does not have the gray tone that can be seen in more detail in the second photo.

I say goodbye and I hope that you find the path of knowledge where all your longings are satisfied.


Esta hermosa palomita que fue captada en un paseo con mis hijas después de ir al cine, mientras nos dirigíamos a PLAZA BOLIVAR, donde los niños van a alimentar a las palomas y ardillas, a medio camino del Congreso de Caracas, estaba esta hermosa palomita que logró tomar una hermosa foto allí como si estuviera posando para la foto.

Esta tórtola es un ave de la familia de las palomas, cuyo nombre científico es COLUMBINA TALPACOTI. Suelen ser bastante miedosos por lo que es muy difícil tomarles una foto, lo había intentado muchas veces pero nunca pude tomarles una foto, pero si lo hice no se veían muy bien.


Hasta que al fin logre sacar la foto.

Esta ave es una de las aves mas fieles que un vez que estan con una pareja se mantiene unidos toda su vida y era la foto que deseaba sacar aunque esta esta foto tambien se ve muy bonita.

El macho suele tener la cabeza que a simple vista parece azul claro y la hembra es mas sencilla y no posee la tonalidad gris que se ve mas a detalle en la segunda foto.

Me despido y espero que consigan la vía del saber donde todas sus ansias se sacien.

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