Mama Bird Came Inside Again!

Our Friendly Door-Bird Came in the House Yesterday

Our daughters were asleep at the time, so I decided to get some video footage since I knew they’d want to see the action they missed. It just so happened, I got to film the moment she found her way back out. The gif looks kinda meme-worthy to me :)

…ok so that was all the emergency footage I got last night. This morning I planned on getting some pictures of her nest on our door and her eggs, and damned if she didn’t do it again!

I was up at 0500, hoping to leave early and record a song by a mural downtown before work, but mama bird had different plans…maybe I would have been in a deadly car accident if id left when I wanted to.

Anyway, I tried to scare her through the glass, so shed leave while the door was still closed, but she was immovable. The I slowly opened the door (it opens inward), and looked her right in the eyes as she sat in her nest, on the wreath hanging from my opened door, which was swung wide into the house.

We looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, her assessing whether I was a threat to her babies, and me assessing whether it not she was a threat to my plans (getting a bird out of the house takes some time). We both assessed to our hearts’ content, and finally I decided she must be comfortable enough with me now that she’s seen me everyday and yesterday I helped her get out of the house…

Anyway, not being one to mess around, I took no chances as I left to take my music case and other stuff out to my car to start the day. I threw on my bag and crawled out the front door, hoping to give her as much space as possible.

She took off and flew straight back into the house.

She posed on a bunch of different things this time. All in all i spent about a half hour trying to help her find her way out. My wife was involved too by the time mama bird finally found the door.

Recognize this couch? This room is the scene I used for the Acoustic Lounge community image :)

One More Surprise

After she was safely back in her comfort zone, I decided I would get some shots of the door, the wreath, the nest and the eggs.

But when I went to shoot the eggs, I found this little guy!!!

No wonder mama’s been acting kinda bird-brained lately! She’s got a brand new set of responsibilities and concerns to address now! The pics arent that great, but it was dusky and I didn’t want to get too close and mess things up for this sweet little family :)

Thanks for checking out some more of my work! As always, I hope you enjoyed witnessing as much as I enjoyed creating!

© Photos and words by @albuslucimus, except where otherwise indicated.


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@albuslucimus has officially hard-forked. @rorykl is now the home for pretty much all acoustic singer/songwriter work.

I created a second account (@rorykl) in May 2023 to be my professional side. It’s a totally separate thing, strictly acoustic playing and singing. Because I don’t want to post duplicate material from two accounts, this account is now the home for all my acoustic singer/songwriter type stuff.

I’ll be using this as my account to share with bars and venues etc., so it will be a home for acoustic covers, live performances and auditions…pretty much, if I’m playing a stringed instrument amd singing, this is where I’ll be doing it…unless I’m doing it while operating a motor vehicle ;)

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