Kefir Soda Water - Rich In Probiotics - by Sunscape


I finally ordered organic Kefir grains to start making my own Kefir soda. It contains good bacteria to help optimize your gut health and the absorption of nutrients from food.

I have been on a quest to support my immune system and heal my leaky gut from years of taking prescription drugs. My search for healthy alternatives to heal my body has led me down the fermenting path to wellness.


I ordered the grains from this company Fermentaholics and they were very alive upon delivery and ready to work. I would definitely highly recommend them.


Water Kefir

1 quart filtered or distilled water
1/4 cup raw can sugar
2 tablespoons of kefir grains
1/4 teaspoon of molasses (optional)


I placed the Kefir grains into a clean jar and added the water and sugar. After stirring well to dissolve the sugar I covered the top of the jar with a cloth and rubber band.

I put it on the pantry shelf to ferment for three days. I noticed the grains getting larger every day and knew they were fermenting perfectly.


I used molasses for the first ferment which caused the caramel color. After three days, I tasted the Kefir water and it definitely had a zing to it.

Before moving to the next step, I drained the liquid and grains through a sieve and put the grains into a clean jar. I then added the ingredients from the recipe to start the second batch. This time I omitted the molasses.

Second Ferment


Even though the water tasted fine I wanted to add some fresh fruit for additional flavor. This is called the "2nd ferment". I put the strained liquid into a large jar and added a few pieces of watermelon and cantaloupe that I had on hand. During this stage, you need a tight-fitting cap to keep the fermenting gas inside the jars.

kefir water.jpg

After 2 days during the second ferment, the water is ready to drink. At this time it will have a fruity-fizzy zip, somewhat like soda or Kombucha.

Before bottling the Kefir water I always strain the fruit out of the liquid. Then I keep it in the refrigerator until I am ready to drink the Kefir soda water.

Kefir Water vs Kombucha

Both drinks are very healthy yet support the body differently. While #kombucha is rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals, kefir water contains over 30 different strains of beneficial bacteria and yeast; these #probiotics survive gastrointestinal conditions and improve gut health.

If you are looking for another way to add more nutrients to your diet, Kefir water also contains healthy minerals like B vitamins, Vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium.

Once you get your first batch of Kefir grains active you will have many to share with friends and family. They literally seem to double in size during each ferment. Before you know it you will have plenty to make gallon-sized batches for your entire family.

Perhaps Kefir water will be something that you will try for yourself, I know it is certainly going to be a staple for my family. I already have my daughter-in-law making her own. Healthy family traditions in the making.

Previous Fermenting Posts:

Why Kimchi?
Kimchi >
Mexican Tepache

Until next time, this is Sunscape
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