Memoir Monday #17 When You Were a Child, What Did You Look Forward to Most?

When you were a child, what did you look forward to most?

Greetings dear Hiveans! Sometimes we find happiness in penning our adventurous experiences of the past. If you wish to go ahead, go through the articles of @ericvancewalton in #memoirmonday, and you definitely get a chance.

The beauty of my neighbouring town becomes more active in the evening hours, when the crowd starts to move in.

As a child, what did I look forward to most. In one word - to grow up. Grow up in the sense not by maturity or by height, but to finish schooling while in school and to finish college while in college, the reason was just to get rid of studies and geta a job. On the other hand, I enjoyed only my English subject to anyother subject. When I recall this fact now, I really feel sorry.

My school days and college days

Missing of - the school corridor where we friends from different classes would gather and have fun, then the open play ground where we were given exercise and our much awaited physical education period, the lunch time where we used to share the food and finally, the punishment by standing out of the class and enjoying nature for incomplete work or for disturbing during class hours. If ever I had a chance, I would lòok forward to experience the same with more enthusiasm.

We would wait for the bell to go, especially when it becomes afternoon, the so called sleepy hours. Each hour would go like a day. Once the bell goes by 3.30 p.m., it's more or less like opening caged birds, not knowing which direction to fly, but still fly off. The most beautiful moments I can recall.

Once at home, the next moment we refresh ourselves, having tea and evening snacks and off to the play ground with a collection of friends. The time limit for play was extended to 6.00 p.m. only. As already mentioned in my previous articles, living in a Defense colony meant peoples adhere to punctuality. The defense factory sirens sharp at 6.00 p.m. and in another 30 minutes the parents are at their respective home which meant our play in the open ground comes to a halt.

A temple festival - the youngsters play the so called "chenda"(the drum) in high spirits. The evenly co ordination is just amazing.

The next part is looking forward for a Sunday. Most of us, like the day Sunday, as its a public holiday, particularly a school holiday, but then we are confined to home and most of their respective father is at home which means no fun, only studies. Many a times, we looked forward for parents to work on Sundays. I feel sorry for this selfish thought, when looking back. After all, that was the only time, all men could spend some time with family.

Temple festival - where the decorated elephant is the highlight. Peoples are given an opportunity to touch it and give food.

Another beautiful thing to look forward was the festivals. With festivals comes in variety of mouth watering sweets. India being a diversified country with different culture and customs, always maintained its togetherness in festivals by different religions. Be it Eid, Christmas, Holi, Dussera or Diwali, all are in the streets to celebrate the varied festivals.

To my meek memory the above mentioned were few things, I looked forward in my school and college days.

Most of all, I loved the vacations and the train journey to my native land for spending two solid months, visiting relatives and friends.

The most beautiful time of our age was adolescent, having fun with friends, fighting for no reason and then making up, free from all responsibilities etc. This realization happened when I had my children and when my responsibilities sometimes doubled or even more.

Most of us would have passed through regret, at some point of time in our life. So, never dwell over the past, instead look forward to enjoy your present.

The typed text and the photos presented in the article are my own.

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