Late Night Thoughts #4

Late Night Thoughts #4

It’s 11:15pm and once again I am winding down to sleep. I have a long day tomorrow, having to start work in the city at 6:30am for a function I’m guessing is starting at 7am.

But, because I am who I am I need to be there a little earlier than that catching the first train into the city means that I need to be up, showered, dressed and out of the house by 4:45am. The anxiety over being late will make it harder to sleep.

The shift goes until 11:30am and then here is a gap until 5:30pm where I start work at Gluttony in the dish pits until 11pm so that I can catch the last train home again.

Thankfully the next day is also a day off, and I need to get my hearing checked again. My hearing aids sometimes make a “hammering” noise and it’s to do with listening to either videos or podcasts being broadcast to them from my iPad.

I think a piece of audio is getting stuck in a loop. It’s usually one earphone and then the other. Turning them off doesn’t clear it. I have to switch to another audio source completely to clear it. I wonder if they can be fixed?

I know the problem was caused by me listening to podcasts while I was too far away from my iPad, or I went behind a wall where the Bluetooth signal was blocked, meaning hat the hearing aids had to strain to pick up the signal. Not the best way to treat them I’m sure.

As a parting paragraph I wanted to highlight that today I had an inspection of my home by someone going to install solar panels and a Tesla battery to my property. It’s a scheme as part of a joint venture between the South Australian Housing Trust and a local energy company. I don’t have to pay a cent and already my bill has been more than halved because of the price capping.

I can’t wait for them to do it.

In other news, I’ve bought tickets to the new Ghostbusters movie. It looks decent enough from the trailers.
I’m also planning in seeing the new Dune movie. I found the pacing of the first one to be a little dull though. We’ll see what this next ones holds up. The people I know that have seen it are raving about it.

Time will tell, and I am actively avoiding spoilers.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,


All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always supplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original.

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