Keeping Things Positive

Keeping Things Positive

Developing Resolve

The year 2022 taught me a lot and 2023 has already started to reveal some deeper truths about the relationships with friends and how they see me.

Last year, I was undermined, backstabbed, betrayed, usurped and smeared by people who sought to destroy me.

On top of that, those who I was confiding in and thought were good friends, abandoned me when I was at my lowest ebb.

If it wasn't for the occasional piece of casual work, I would have been rendered homeless.

I am not out of the woods yet and I've had to make some hard, unpopular decisions just to survive.
This year is going to be one of resolving not just to survive but to thrive again.

Attitude Of Graditute

In contrast to all of the negative nonsense I had to endure, there was support and advice which came from the most expected places.

For that, I am extremely grateful. It's amazing how little effort it takes to make some one's day. Some conversations I had to swear to secrecy because of the harshness of their life lessons and won't be repeated here, but they continue to guide my present and future decisions.

Last week I got a Christmas card from a long time friend for the first time. She wasn't anti Christmas, she just didn't have a fixed address for a while.

She'd been through a lot and is slowly building her confidence back up again. She's confident enough to send me short video messages, but not ready for TikTok just yet. Small steps snowballing.

I had no idea that I had meant so much to her. She means a lot to me too. I also need to practice my video production a lot more and I know she appreciates the smaller videos.

Glass Half Full

Half a glass of Coke No Sugar

I have a renewed sense of purpose and self awareness and hope for the future. I'm not out of the woods yet but if I can secure a consistent income I should do OK.
Easier said than done though.

I have been offered a half day shift doing a letterbox drop of pamphlets advertising a Monster Truck Rally in a few weeks. It basically pays for my gas bill. It's something at least and it's also a chance to prove myself. Better reports lead to more shifts apparently.

It's going to be a hot day too.

Thank you for reading.


These posts are not A.I. generated. I am a real person and your upvotes make a real world difference.

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