Embrace Your True Self

Embrace Your True Self

It's good to be back!

The McDonald's restaurant in Salisbury is going to be closed in 5 minutes and I am sitting inside using a wooden spoon to scrape out the dregs of a large chocolate fudge sundae.
It was delicious, by the way.

Chocolate fudge sundae

The touchscreen menus are turned off as a sign that they are serious about this.

Touchscreen menu offline

The reciept printers are often out of paper meaning that I have to memorise the order number.

I leave and on my way home I notice that the moon is full.

The full moon

This is the best my little phone can do. I need to find the recharging cable for my camera. It has a cool photo of the moon on it from a few months ago.

Earlier That Day

I woke up to an email from the recruitment company asking me to let them know my availability for next week. Of course, I can't say no to work at this point.

A few hours later someone was yelling out sweary death threats to a neighbour. He spends a lot of time seemingly fixing bikes in his backyard, but he's attracting a bad element to the area.

It's a bit suss when people come and go on bikes at 5 o'clock in the morning. I suspect drugs and prostitution but I can't quite prove it yet.

My plan for the day was to continue tidying up my unit, in particular my kitchen. I'd taken a break and decided to go for a walk to check my post office box.

I was waiting for a Christmas card from a good friend, Trudi. Our friendship is a complex one to explain. Surreal wouldn't begin to cover it.

A long awaited Christmas card
The card was sent before Christmas and I explained that it would take a few weeks due to Christmas for it to get here. It's arrival made me happy.

I went to the Eureka Tavern where the main selfie photo was taken. I had a few Diet Cokes while listening to a fictional podcast called Sayer.

It's a scifi horror about an Artificial Intelligence on an artificial Earth moon called Typhon and the human inhabitants who have to interact with it and the things that go wrong on that moon.

It's funny, sinister and gruesome at the same time.
It's 6 seasons long and I've just started listening to it.

A New Year's Resolve

At the end of each year there's a weird sense of both an ending of the year and a build of tension that explodes like fireworks at the prospect of new beginnings.

Resolutions get made and broken.
Goals are left unmet and disappointment results.

Instead, I have jettisoned the idea of grandiose resolutions but rather have chosen to embrace my limitations and look at smaller, daily achievements without any guilt attached.

"Slow and steady wins the race".

With that in mind, I have decided to go for a walk every day. It's not only good exercise but it allows me to get away from the online world (which is becoming both crazier and more idiotic every day) and allow me to clear my head and get some much needed vitamin d.

I've decided to give up gardening for the time being. I grew 2.5 tomatoes and a few micro potatoes of which I am proud, but fungus gnats have caused me to rethink the whole thing.

My focus is more on comedy and I even have a gig set for February. More gigs will come. I just need to embrace my funny self.

Time to get back to cleaning and decluttering my home and to put an end to procrastination. At least for today.

It's not easy, but I am slowly embracing my true self.

Thank you for reading.


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