Our parents need very little

But that little too much and we must take care of it on priority.


She has been feeling heaviness in the head for quite some time, and it's something, that does not have a straight cause. Go to a private hospital, they will start with a MRI, several blood tests without even touching you or trying to correlate because they get incentives out of it - ya, that is where we have landed - they literally loot you in tests before doing anything. Given that, she has multiple health issues (which is normal and we will all land there), we decided to get her checked in different departments, one by one, based on a suggestion of my close friend, who is in Medicine Marketing and quite familiar with health issues. He is often my first point of contact, to go to home and check if I am not around, only friends can do it. So at first, I took her to the Pulmonologist, who is treating her since last three decades. In fact because of him, she has been able to survive Pneumonia twice, so he is quite familiar with her health status. After he performed a basic Pulmonary function test (PFT), checked her chest and confirmed that, the heaviness in the head is not related to his area, we were a bit relieved because that was the most sensitive field, and she gets admitted suddenly, if something goes wrong. The next on our list was Eye check up, as per my friend. Unfortunately we don't have good private facility at my native place, but as per my friend, the govt hospital was providing all the services and we should go there. The other option is to bring them to my place, and go straight to a better private facility, but that definitely costs a good chunk (as you buy that comfort) and Mom is always very conservative in spending money, so she wanted to try the govt hospital first and figure out the root cause. My friend has good relationships with doctors and he accompanied us, and helped her go through all different tests, which confirmed that her power in the eye has changed. They also asked us to come another day to test the eye pressure after dialeting her eyes and that indicated, cataract is just starting, but not an immediate point of concern.

Do you know, they give you the specs free at Govt hospitals ? Its good quality even, but the downside is that it takes 3 months. So we decided to go to a private shop at my native. We will still get the one provided by Govt after three months, they will call us for that.



After seeing the reports, they showed us frames to choose and promised to deliver the spec in 15 minutes - that was quite impressive. If you go to big fancy shops, they will take your order and ask you to come back at least after a week. But the reality is that, the lens comes ready, and they have to cut it, polish it and fit to the frame, which does not take more than 15 minutes.




No third party involved here, the owner himself has got all the skills and machines and as promised, the spec was delivered in 15 minutes.


And imagine the cost ? It's only 1000 rupees, including everything. He was quoting 1300/-, but again my friend quoted some relationship with his uncle, and he agreed to not take much profit. The same frame and lens would cost at least 4 times more in a posh facility at the Capital.


And look at the happiness at her face, as soon as she put it, she could feel the difference. And she was more happy because I came, stayed, took her to all these places and finally made this happen. May not feel a big thing to us, but at this age, they feel that care, fulfilling their little needs as soon as they require it. We have to take care of them like we do for our children, and we all will go through this, so hopefully our children may also carry the same feelings and do this for us.


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