Modernly Traditional

A bridge between generations


We had to go to his friend's birthday, as it was happening in our city, only because, they wanted all the friends and families attend the function. There was a long request to go to their home, which is a little far, but then there was no way we could deny this. This is the first time we met the parents of his friends from the college, so this laid the foundation stone for more such gatherings. The celebration was arranged in nearby Sai Temple, where they have all facilities to host a party with a delicious vegan dinner along with starters.







Once we arrived there, the boy was busy with his friends. Looking at these teen's gesture, it felt like they are decently growing with a little naughtiness, which is not very unfair at their age. At his age, I was put in a hostel, and struggle initially, but hostels then were not that bad. Now a days, leaving them in hostel is risky, because, these innocent guys can easily get biased.




On another side of the temple, a Pala was organized. It's a very old traditional folk ballad presentation from my place which is usually performed in such occasions after the rituals are performed. I did spent some time listening to them and it reminded me, some of our childhood, when we had none of the digital media available. Unless you pay attention, its difficult to understand the narration as its mostly in Sanskrit and Odia. Slowly, the attraction for these events have reduced, but considering the auspiciousness of it, we as parents still believe, these rituals should be done in parallel.


Modernly traditional, isn't it ?



We offered our prayers and spent some time in the small temple, as the main temple was already closed. Since we had another event to attend, so had to ask the kids to finish early.




Lot of items on the menu and they were indeed all tasty as I heard from the kids.



I saved my appetite for the next function, which was the 11th day ritual of her very close friend's mother's demise.


Most of the rituals were done on the day, and I had been present there. These are the time of need, where I feel, we must be present and help as necessary. We need friends most in grief, if not in ceremonies. The evening was a bigger arrangement held in a temple.


We are very close to the family, and it was a great loss for him and consoling in words won't be enough.


Plenty of items on the menu there as well, all vegan but very tasty.


Most of the guests had left by the time we reached, but all her friends were waiting and even called her to come soon. They are friends from high school and you can imagine the feelings of the meeting.


We stayed till the end and a lot of food was still remaining, so they packed most of the items, to take home, that served the next day. Have you ever observed, some items taste more on the next day ?


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