Happy Birthday Ritwik

These small little happiness matters a lot


Yesterday was Ritwik's birthday, and my daughter was poking me every half an hour day before - We have to go. They have invited only a handful friends and their parents, and we can't miss it. Now that school is over, this makes a nice meet for them as well. But the problem was that this was a workday for few, until I realized from my Boss that it was a holiday where I work. So as soon as I verified it was a off for me, the happiness on her face was was out of control.


Every time we go out, we have to push them to get ready soon. But that was not the case yesterday, the were ready before time, I could feel her excitements.


It was a small get together, but look at their faces - pretty comfortable and enjoying the company, notice the birthday boy in the middle. They share almost the same bench in same class - I could correlate looking back at our childhood. And the boy has grown up hair quite fast - if you compare to my last post on his thread ceremony.



The food was awesome - starters, birthday cake cutting and then a main course followed with deserts. They have a restaurant in the Bhubaneswar club which is famous for Biriyani and it was part of the menu (both Veg and Non-Veg) and indeed awesome. And that small bottle game was quite a fun - the prize was for the losers. But the winner also got it finally.






I must say the IQ quotient in our kids are way ahead of us - the way they speak, grasp makes us feel we are just trying to hang in as a bridge between our non-digital past vs current digital life. It was good that, they got along and spent the entire time without any digital activity.





While the kids enjoyed their time, we did get more closer spending a nice time - the Mums now forming a new whatsapp group to collaborate more for some frequent gatherings. These small gatherings are the best way to get out of our stressful life in this digital world, and detox ourselves by getting more socializing face to face - talk, laugh loud, discuss all the family tantrums and fun. Apparently now that we have a group, we are going to plan more such events, may be sometimes outdoors after the summer.




And did you forget the boy ? No way - someone who had just his exams over, did not spare me.


He wanted his laptop back to start playing games. He made me go to the service center before his last exam to give them to solve some heating issues. And since we were going that way, he picked it back. He has full rights now to play.


The day went like in minutes - all the fun, good food, good time just after the exam stress - you can imagine. These little happiness matter a lot - we just need them more frequently. Just when we were about to come home, got a call from the Sony center - Please come and take delivery of your Camera. Whooo - finally I have got a digital camera - more to come soon on that.



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