Best Dad - are we ?

Not yet - Dad's role never ends


This father's day, our loving angel Sara presented me this, with some lovely quotes, that expressed her gratitude. The boy greeted me in the morning with a hug, but Sara came up with this special greetings, that she must have made in the night. It was a very busy day, as we were preparing for the Mocktail stall and the fridge brought a setback. And this special hand crafted token of gift, meant a lot for me to do more for the kids.


Every child is different, and daughters are special, which I am understanding slowly, because we did not have a sister, and it was all man affair at home, in our childhood. It was very well said by @milaan in my last post

To be honest, for a father, it's the daughter that brings that completeness and the same goes for son for a mother. And the daughters always find a sense of security with a father.

Before Sara was borne, my wife would ask me everyday, tell me, if its a boy or girl because she wanted a girl, and I was thinking, possibly it could be a boy because of hereditary. But finally I would say, may God grant your wish, because we need a girl for a complete family. And somewhere in my heart, I was feeling, a girl is coming, so I had a name reserved, which is an interesting story. Long story short - the name comes from Sarah Connor from the Terminator movie - my first English movie and life time favorite. I always wished to use the name, and when she was born, the doctor who brought her, gave her full name, based on our son's name, because he loved our son (and attached to our family) so much. So I gave this nick name, but again, everyone in our family complained that Sarah sounds like a Christian name, so we made it Sara.....though it still sounds the same. What I really wished that, Sara should grow up tough, like Sarah Connor, which she is justifying the name.

She is very compassionate but at the same time she is very straight forward like me, which at times creates trouble for her. She is excellent in studies, but at times, her teachers complain saying, she tells their weakness upfront, which makes them feel bad. And she would ask exactly what she wants - very few can do this, even though, it may sound odd or bad to others. As a father, I can totally relate to this because of my same nature, which creates trouble at times. And you have to choose between the trouble and self satisfaction, which is a very tough job. Making a fine balance is the best thing to happen, but doing that is not easy and that is what we have been trying to educate her. She is just 13, and I have decided to fully devote on her now, and spend more time with her, as the the boy is now responsible and mostly self driven (though I have to take care of the finance and well beings). Whatever we teach them now, will stay with them for their life, remembering us, even though we might not be there. And once they are grown up and responsible, their insight will help our life, that is how we should grow as a family.

A father's role never ends till he is alive, isn't it ?


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