Poems and Prayers and Promises - Trading up to a Better Life

This post is a follow-up to A Space for Dreems (yes with two e's) and in response to @dreemsteem's Death-Defying Dreem Tools challenge.

The title of this post is a nod to one of my favourite folk songs by John Denver, Poems and Prayers and Promises, released in 1971, the year I was born. Centred on the human experience - life and love, gratitude, and hope - it is a song of reflection and introspection; a reminiscing of years already past, and an outpouring of gratitude for the blessings that time has brought. As the song progresses, the artist ponders with hope about what new experiences might lie ahead. He muses that it "turns me on to think of growing old." as he considers that "There is still so much to do, so many things my mind has never known." Sadly, his life was cut short by tragedy, when his newly acquired light aircraft crashed off the Californian coastline in 1997, but his legacy remains, captured in lyrics and musical scores, and we remain inspired by the beauty and meaning woven into this particular lyrical homage to life.

Poems and Prayers and Promises

In chasing after our ultimate dreem, we cannot simply rush in. To do so would be foolish. We have to take a more considered approach. In my previous post on the subject of dreems, I spoke of the necessity to create a space for dreems to flourish before I could create my own dreem space and dreem life. In this respect the notion of dreem equates to something much bigger in essence than the simple dream. It defines how and when potentiality becomes reality.

I have no doubt that the achievement of my dreem will require an immense commitment of time and energy on my part, huge sacrifice (there is always a quid pro quo), and likely an entire arsenal of tools to conquer the challenges that lie ahead. To achieve any dreem we will need a toolbelt of skills and strategies, but if we don't start with a solid foundation, we will remain impotent to act on those dreems.

The cornerstones of my dreem foundation, that is to say, my death-defying dreem tools, are represented by the attributes and values I ascribe and associate with Poems and Prayers and Promises.

Poems (Positioning)
In Poetry, I find time for reflection and introspection. It's about creating a space to explore and share our thoughts and emotions. It's a deep dive into the soul. We learn about who we are and what we want out of life, and we are given the opportunity to define the narrative and shape the structure so that we can have the biggest impact in the best way possible. Words are powerful and they have meaning. Ultimately, our hearts will be defined by what we pour into them. In this respect, Poetry equals Positioning, and I believe that positioning is going to be an essential pillar in my journey. This means that I need to do my part; to take responsibility for meeting my dreem head-on. It's not going to fall into my lap! I need to own it and be accountable for my successes and failures along the road of experience. I need a well-structured and evolving plan yet still remain flexible to change when needed. When the right opportunities present themselves to take my dreem forward, I need to be ready to recognise them, and accept their gifts with open hands.

Prayers (Guidance and Gratitude)
In Prayer I seek guidance, strength, resilience, and wisdom to see me through my journey, to empower me to let go of what no longer serves me, to make the right choices, to remind me that I always have hope, and to endure the long haul. I use it to give thanks, having gratitude for the love and Grace that He bestows on me, even through the hard times, as I take each leap of Faith toward a better life for myself and my family.

Promises (Faith)
In Promises I never lose sight of hope. I lean into the Lord's promise to me that he is always faithful and will never leave me. It, therefore, does not matter how challenging the journey becomes to achieving my dreem, I am going to stick around for the ride. I will focus on the promises I make to myself, to remain committed, to hold myself accountable; to go beyond the mere general pursuit of my dream by ensuring I take positive action to move a step closer every single day, stripping out the old to make way for the new.

I believe I possess the death-defying dreem tools required to achieve my personal dreem, and I have huge hope for the future.

"23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."Hebrews 10:23

The stone placed under the word love was placed by me 💗

Photos taken here on the beach are mine.

Header image created in Canva Pro using:

Worship and prayers by kieferpix
Love is Patient by EHstock
The Promise by NVSphoto
Faith sign by anilakkus

Infinity divider created using Canva Pro library.

Dreemport banner used with permission of @dreemsteem and @dreemport and designed by @jimramones

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